on Oct sat, did anyone get a dual passage about scientists becoming advocates

<p>the first passage described a former scientist who got angry at the fact that a boat wiped out the coral reefs on the sea bottom. as a result, he got angry and become an environmental activist. the second passage described in general scientists trying to butt into political matters and stuff</p>

<p>was this an experimental section? or did everyone else get this passage?
i did really bad on this one. one question from the section asked what "mantle" means in the phrase "mantle of objectivity" and i put c) appearance</p>

<p>this was my 3rd section</p>

<p>I didn't have that.</p>

<p>My third section was Writing.</p>

<p>yeah I had that one it was experimental</p>

<p>i love you threedaysgrace</p>