On the application

<p>Where are we supposed to list hours of community service? Is it in the activites section? If yes, is it okay to whiteout on the application?</p>

<p>if you need to change somthing you can always print out another copy on the internet</p>

<p>to add to my own question, is it a good idea or bad idea to attach a resume to my application? it just doesnt seem like the gtown application asks enough for an applicant to fully represent themselves.</p>

<p>It's fine. Just as long as it's not 9 pages. (Keep it 1, maybe 2 max, if you have something really important to put down.)</p>

<p>Just fill out the application the way it says to. If they don't ask for something, don't sent it anyway (if they wanted to read it they'd ask for it). You can fully represent yourself in your essays. Telling them how many community service hours you have won't do that.</p>