Once Again The University of Miami is Not Even on the List

<p>The party school list, that is:</p>

<p>Here is the full list of the top 20 party schools:</p>

<p>1) West Virginia University
2) University of Iowa
3) Ohio University
4) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
5) University of Georgia
6) University of Florida in Gainesville
7) University of California-Santa Barbara
8) Florida State University
9) Miami University of Ohio
10) Syracuse University
11) Penn State University
12) DePauw University
13) University of Wisconsin-Madison
14) University of Mississippi
15) University of Texas-Austin
16) University of Maryland
17) University of South Carolina
18) James Madison University
19) University of Maine
20) University of Tennessee</p>

<p>West</a> Virginia ranked as No. 1 school, for partygoers - CNN.com</p>

<p>It is really amazing how many people say “that’s a huge party school” when my son tells them that UM is his first choice…</p>

<p>Thanks for this!</p>

<p>Been here less than a week and I’ve already met tons of people who aren’t all about partying and made a great group of friends. I was honestly very worried about that coming in but it’s so easy to meet tons of people when you’re living in a building with all the other freshmen, and chances are you’ll find some like-minded individuals. And I’m sure I’ll meet more when I go to more classes, join clubs, etc.</p>

<p>Frankly, as the parent of a relatively recent alum, I am appalled by this turn of events. Personally I blame Donna Shalala and her relentless drive to improving the academic stature of the “U”. Clearly her policies have irrevocably damaged Miami’s standing in the Tired-Old-Stereotypes-That-Are-No-Longer-True arena. When will this nightmare end?</p>



<p>I told my DS last night about this article and he said exactly what mavitale said - everyone always says it’s a party school. DS knows better and doesn’t really care what people think.</p>

<p>vinceh: LOL.</p>

<p>Good one vinceh - :D</p>

<p>When I tell people that Miami is my daughter’s first choice the reaction is “Doesn’t she want to LEARN? It’s a huge party school”. </p>

<p>Good thing we know better.</p>

<p>Just finished my first day of the “Books that Matter” course, with 17 other kids, and after this first class I can tell you that the intellectual stimulation from the students here is like none other that I’ve ever experienced.</p>

<p>Marinebio, my DD is in that class and she said it was amazing also!</p>

<p>DinDune, what’s your daughter’s name?</p>

<p>This is a f***ing outrage. I expect many floridians will want to go to UF rather than Miami because of this. Damnit Miami, get it together.</p>

<p>I remember back in 1979, when I applied, I got that same reaction.</p>

<p>“Are you really going to Suntan U?”<br>
“You certainly are considering one of the more social schools in the country,” commented my grade 11 English teacher.</p>

<p>I know that back in the 1960’s and 1970’s it really was a party school, but the “party” was pretty easy to avoid by the time I got there. My friends and I would study all day on Sunday and were serious about academics Monday-Wednesday. We were generally more relaxed on Thursday and Friday Saturday was for football games. </p>

<p>Thursday evening was not always available for fun if there was a test on the horizon. Of course, this schedule was out the window for finals.</p>

<p>I didn’t think that was such a party lifestyle back then- but I would never be able to keep up now. :)</p>

<p>For awhile I was strongly considering attending Penn State and Wisconsin (both Universities that I respect and admire), both of which I was admitted to. When I told adults that I was considering PSU and UW, I would inevitably be congratulated by adults on my ability to get into those schools and that they were “very good schools.” When I decided to attend Miami and told people that, I would generally get the, “party school, eh” reaction. This is perhaps the one thing I don’t love about Miami, all of the ignorant reactions from people. Fact of the matter is Miami is not only a superior school academically to those two, but it is also much less of a party school.</p>

<p>I feel like that reputation will start changing very soon. As Miami keeps going up and up in rankings, they will start attracting more and more highly qualified applicants, and with that the party school reputation will keep diminishing to the point where the only reference to Miami being a party school will be to its past.</p>

<p>My S is in the Books That Matter course also! He gives the course great marks because of the wonderful contents and the stimulating intellectual discussion in class. He thinks the students there are amongst the most interesting kids he had ever met.</p>

<p>Wow…3 parents of Books that Matter kids out of 18 on this board! That’s a high percentage! I think it is an amazing opportunity to meet bright kids in a discussion forum. Dr. Green is a wonderful professor/mentor to them. D feels lucky that she got a spot in the class, even though it will be a ton of work.</p>