<p>I took the US History test last year and only got a 690. Would this grade prevent me from getting into top schools? Should I retake it??</p>
<p>Thanks. =)</p>
<p>I took the US History test last year and only got a 690. Would this grade prevent me from getting into top schools? Should I retake it??</p>
<p>Thanks. =)</p>
<p>Dude, I got a 540 on my Writing one, and I did fine. Chill out. (I did retake it though, because that is one horrendous score.) A 690 is hardly bad. I think only the top 3 count anyway.</p>
<p>Omg, really? I thought colleges look at all of your scores... Do Ivys and other top colleges consider only top 3?</p>
<p>Every college considers only the top two or three, depending on the college.</p>