One last BB q

<p>What do the students need to carry around with them the first day? Paper, pens, money, list of classes he wants/needs? Where does he turn in the immunization form?</p>

<p>Immunization form is turned in at the Student Health Center. Though they may have a table set up for that in the Ferguson Center as well. The Health Center is on Univ blvd & 5th Ave. Take Univ blvd east and make the first left after the rec fields. HC is the first building on the left.</p>

<p>He doesn’t need any pens or paper. He could use some pocket money if he wants to buy some UA stuff or if he wants to grab a bite to eat with a few people he meets at BB.</p>

<p>He’ll meet with an advisor that first day so yes he should either have a list of what he wants to take or have it memorized. He won’t actually register for classes until day 2 so that’s the day he’ll definitely want to have his classes written down.</p>

<p>Have fun and Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>At Bama Bound there was a table on the second floor of the Ferg Center staffed to take the health records. The kids and parents get separate registration packets that contain a pen and paper. Day 1 in the afternoon included a large group meeting with an advisor from the college. My DD is in College of Communications and the advisor went over a couple of typical schedules and had handouts with classes to consider. Made registering the next day more focused and quicker.</p>