<p>It is the essay in practice test 6 in the BB, if you were wondering.</p>
<p>There is, of course, no legitimate branch of science that enables us to predict the future accurately. yet the degree of change in teh world is so overwhelming and so promising that the future, I believe is far brighter than anyone has contemplated since the end of the Second World War. </p>
<p>Assignment: Is the world changing for the better? </p>
<pre><code>Our world is constantly changing. While it is impossible to predict the future, one can easily guess, based on the changes currently happening. Since World War II, the world has most definitely made positive changes and progressed with time. There are numerous aspects of our world that epitomize change for the better. Therefore, one can assume change for the better in the future as well.
Technology has, undoubtedly, changed a tremendous amount since World War II. Computers, for example have become easier to use. Furthermore, computers have become faster and smaller, while doing more work. Because these are desirable qualities, one can portend that computers will be even better in the future.
Medicine is an area of science that has also improved greatly. Doctors have become more medically adroit, and they can work with much greater brevity than before. Previously, doctors had been slow and poorly educated, but with great advances in education and science, doctors are becoming more precise in their practices. One of the biggest evidences to buttress the improvement in medicine is the increasing life-expectancy. People are living longer, because medicine is improving. Therefore, one could accurately say that, in the future, medical experts will be even better.
There is no person who can argue that the world is not changing. It is impossible, however, to predict how the world will change in the future. Based on present-day changes, such as those in medicine and technology, though, one can easily see that the world will improve and be better for our posterity.
<p>Thank you for your grades!!!!</p>