<p>Oh, no. Giving up Lumpia? I admire your dedication. Lumpia is one of my favorite foods. Right up there with chocolate :)</p>
<p>We could certainly enjoy some cyber lumpia along with our other cyber foods. ;)</p>
<p>LOL! Yep, give me a pile of that cyber Lumpia, cyber merlot, and cyber chocolate. I'm going back on the Atkins diet after Valentine's day and that's all I'll be seeing of them.</p>
<p>Yay! Since my post, I lost 5 pounds. Six more to go to get that appointment!</p>
<p>Two words, hamarcelo, that will solve all of your problems: Richard Simmons. ;) Sweatin' to the Oldies, woohoo!</p>
<p>Good job, hamarcelo! Right on! :D</p>