<p>Today I'm home because we have a "snow day." i live on the east coast and we were supposed to get 6-12 inches of snow. Yet their isn't a speck of snow on the ground, all the roads look just like they were yesterday. But my school and all the schools in area are closed?</p>
<p>I was sup[posed to take 4 tests today, and I have 2 on Monday. ( Teachers cramming tests in before break) </p>
<p>So this day is pretty weird. I'm in a confused emotional state, where I don't know what to feel.</p>
<p>im sorry!!!
our school is leaving anhour early only beacause we have a talent show and they dont want to cancel it!!
so i hope ur day gets better</p>
<p>Yea, snowing here too, we had a half day, took a while to get the snow machine starting, but now it’s in full swing! I’m pretty happy, not many tests and I learned I have a 93 in Chem!</p>
<p>No, it’s not snowing in here Minnesota, but the other day is was -35 degrees, and they still kept our school open, while EVERY surrounding district closed.</p>
<p>There was a blizzard in Minnesota. This state sucks cause we rarely get any snow days…at least not in my district ( twin cities/metro area). Damnit, if we weren’t so wealthy…to at least afford the plowing machines I reaaaaally could have used a snow day yesterday soo many tests :(</p>