One of top choices for DS

Looking for any information you can tell me about this school. My son really seems to be moving this school up on his list. He has applied for electrical engineering. He loves that it is so close to dc. Any pros and cons you can share would be greatly appreciated. We are out of state and I’ve reminded him that can make it tougher for him to get in. He has visited the school but unfortunately didn’t get to see the engineering facilities.

We are from out of state and also visited. One of the things we discovered is that it has a significant commuter population. Also, the proximity to DC caused the housing prices to be higher than other schools we were considering.

The biggest advantage for GMU is its proximity to Washington DC. There are excellent internship opportunities. Public transportation allows you to go anywhere you want, cheaply. The academics are very good.

The cons of GMU: there is no “college feel” to it. There is no school spirit, no feeling of being “home”, and not a lot of excitement in the air. Yes, there are hundreds of clubs to join, greek life, and they even have some sports teams. So it is not difficult to meet new people. Still, most are only there during the week, going home on weekends. Many more just commute. Weekends are very quiet.

My son saw a few jazz ensemble’s since he wants to continue playing but we will see. He has to get accepted to schools 1st