One or two credit honor seminar classes for upperclassmen

<p>While there is an abundance of one credit seminars for first year students, I haven’t found many, if any, of one or two credit UH seminar classes for upperclassmen. As many on this board did/are doing Alabama Action, you will have 5 credits remaining of seminar classes. Freshman can put in a Common Book Experience and/or Mentoring class for one credit, but upperclassmen will have to put in two 3 credit classes, giving them 7 credits, rather than the needed 6. As later years have full schedules with the majors, it would be easier to fit a one or two credit class here or there over a couple of semesters to fulfill the honors requirement. Add to that, how quickly the honors courses fill up in general, it would be a good way to help all, even non Alabama Action/Outdoor Action, people fill up those credits.</p>

<p>my daughter ended up adding one of the classes that start midway thru the semester. that seemed to be something easy to do, but you have to keep your eye out for them when they announce them.</p>

<p>the class was super easy. As for everyone, no papers, no tests and you didn’t even have to go to class.</p>

<p>UH 120 Common Book Experience courses are designed for freshmen, but are open to all honors students.</p>

<p>Yes, S needs a 1 credit course. Hoping something interesting will open next semester.</p>

<p>How do you find out about this mid semester courses?</p>

<p>They’re usually announced around Sept or late Aug.</p>

<p>ST - the Common Book Experience classes say for FIRST YEAR STUDENTS ONLY (their caps). Also, how do you know what book they are doing if they don’t have one listed?</p>

<p>Hi All- I’m bumping this up to see if anyone has anymore suggestions. My son is an engineering major but not CBHP Nor AA or OA attendee as a freshman. He is thinking of trying to fit a seminar into his schedule ths coming semester but with engineering classes and marching band in the afternoon, kind of tough. </p>

<p>Anybody else in a similar situation?</p>

<p>Just talking to some of son’s friends this weekend who are in CBH and engineering majors. Both said it was doubtful they would be graduating with UH because they can’t fit in the required honors courses. They still have two more years, so hopefully, they can do it! </p>

<p>Lots of son’s friends, in CBH and not, have taken Western Civ and Classics, something like that, and enjoyed it.</p>

<p>i am not sure if my D will complete the honors requirements either. she is trying to though.</p>

<p>I have a dumb question. Do these honors hours have to be completed with 6 ‘seminar’ classes or can any honors designated class count? Also in my son’s area of study, aerospace engineering, they have an honors program within the aerospace. Has anyone’s kids started anything like that? I know there aren’t too many aero kids on here but just wondering about the other engineering disciplines.</p>

<p>I haven’t paid too much attention to this stuff as my son usually handles it himself. But he has ask for some guidance and once I started looking at all the options UHP, honors in your specific engineering discipline, scholars program. My head is spinning. He thinks he might want to pursue the scholars program but he is just starting his second year and really hasn’t taken any engineering classes yet except for the intro stuff. But he does have lots of AP/dual credits so on paper he is a junior.</p>

<p>Hokie, son did take the intro engineering courses in honors, in hopes of getting honors mech eng. But he hasn’t seen any further eng courses offered in honors, or at least ones he wanted to take honors in, so I guess he’s no longer pursuing those. But yes, six hours of UH have to be seminar type. In other words, not honors calculus, physics, or regular subjects. Mr. Bailey, who is listed on the honors site as a contact, has been very helpful in answering my questions concerning what credits son now needs to finish honors. He’s only got CBH and Alabama Action so far, and still needs five hours worth of seminars. He’s so far registered for a class that meets one day a week for three hours, and will give him three hours of credit. Don’t know if he’ll remain in that one, as he’s checking all summer to see what else opens up. After that course, he’ll need two more hours seminar credit, which is why I started this thread. The mech eng curriculum is usually about 15 hours a semester itself, and add to that, CBH, and there’s not much room to add an extra honors course. Luckily, he fulfilled his social science and most of his humanities with AP credit.</p>

<p>Not sure if this will help or not…the classes with the little red circle with the H are for “first year” so ignore those…</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>seems like there are several fine arts, writing and humanities classes which your student may already have completed but this way they could pick up some additional Honors seminar credits…For example, I know there is one where you teach elementary kids in t-town to play chess, think it is a 2 credit hour class? sounds fun and a great way for the kids to give back to the community</p>

<p>Have they considered turning some of the upper level classes into “honors by contract” classes in their major? I know it is available, but have no idea how much work that option is, or if it is helpful to them. </p>

<p>I would love to know more about that option if anyone has any info on it.</p>

<p>idk if you are talking to me, but my daughter is planning on doing some honors by contract. you can only do 6 hours this way, though.</p>

<p>i think she is signed up for honors exploration this semester (3 hrs) which is a class where you sort of mentor some new honors kids.</p>

<p>she has a few soft classes left that she will try to get an honors section.</p>

<p>she is on top of it, so it will probably all work out fine, but it is not as easy if you come in with a lot of credits.</p>

<p>I have a dumb question. Do these honors hours have to be completed with 6 ‘seminar’ classes or can any honors designated class count</p>

<p>Any UH class can count towards the 6 required “honors seminar” hours, but not honors classes within majors (like honor chem or English 103, etc). The honors classes within majors count towars the total 18 req’d credits, but not towards the 6 “seminar”.</p>

<p>Yes, it seems that engineers in honor are doing Honors by contract or UH classes with a W designation or UH classes that count towards Core to get those 6 credits. My ChemE son has 3 credits from a UH class with a W designation and 3 credits from honors by contract (from a REU summer experience).</p>



<p>If you go to the Honors College website under the Current Students tab and pull up a list of the University Honors courses for fall, you can find the book by looking for the UH120 course being taught by that teacher - the book will be in the description of the course.</p>

<p>I copied some below (including one that starts in late September):</p>

Common Book Experience
Book: Cognitive Surplus by Clay Shirky
UH 120 007 46595 T 04:00-6:00 Aldridge, W. 123 BD
This book is recommended for anyone who wants to understand the social media and mass collaboration phenomenon. This book
is strongly recommended as a first book to start reading about social media. Shirky argues persuasively that this cognitive surplusrather than being some strange new departure from normal behavior-actually returns our society to forms of collaboration that were natural to us up through the early twentieth century. He also charts the vast effects that our cognitive surplus-aided by new technologies-will have on twenty-first-century society. Meeting schedule: 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23</p>

Common Book Experience
Book: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John C. Maxwell
UH 120 008 46596 R 05:00-07:00 DeFrance, J. 231 GP
Revealing, analyzing and capitalizing on our individual abilities as new leaders on campus and in the surrounding community through the readings of Maxwell. Evaluating our personal talents, interests and strengths will help us set goals for who we want to become and how we will attain those goals through leadership. Meeting schedule 8/23, 8/30, 9/6, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 10/4, 10/11</p>

Common Book Experience**
The Reivers by William Faulkner
UH 120 022 50401 W 4:00-5:00 Florey, B. 283 NT
The Reivers, Faulkner’s bestselling 1963 Pulitzer Prize winning novel, is a delightful light-hearted picaresque adventure. We will take this trip together!
**Please Note: This is a FALL II COURSE which begins SEPT. 24th!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all the advice. Now to forward it over to my son so he can make some decisions. I think the other thing that is making it hard for him is he is not too interested in all these ‘extra classes’ as he puts it. He just likes math, science and music. I know most of your kids want a well rounded education, but I’m realizing my kid does not. Or, so he thinks as he hasn’t been exposed to much as he just finished his first year in engineering. I’ll place on the info with some advice and than it is in his hands.</p>

<p>they actually have some things that will be helpful to him as a career choice…especially if he is in engeneering</p>

<p>Leadership, creativity, security, problem solving. </p>

<p>That is how I sold the “extra” classes to my son. It will help him to survive in the working environment.</p>


<p>Good point. Look over the listing…there are some really excellent career supplement honors courses…like ones to help with med school apps, or personal finance, etc. And, there are some that are just plain interesting!!! Heck, I want to go back to college just to take some of these classes…lol.</p>

<p>And, seriously, EVERYONE should take Honors Deductive Logic (or the non honors).</p>