<p>Keeping in mind that the Ivies differ from each other in many vast and different ways aside from the fact that they happen to be in the same artificially-created "league", I am wondering how one would characterize the differences between them. I'm not talking about the US News and guidebook stats; I'm talking about the subjective and insider takes on the schools.</p>
<p>For instance, I have heard UPenn referred to as the "social" ivy. Cornell as the "suicide" or "competitive ivy or "pressure-cooker' ivy. Brown as the "artsy" or "hippie" ivy. These are obviously subjective, based not on fact but still it would be inteesting to see how folks see the schools. I have not included Duke and Rice and Georgetown and U-Chicago / Northwestern and the other almost-Ivies on this list, just the true Ivies.</p>
<p>Harvard - tradition / overrated / can't flunk out
Dartmouth - outdoorsy
Princeton - dinner-clubs
Yale - tweed coats / best campus, worst neighborhood
Brown - hippy/artsy/drugs
Columbia - city life & leftist
UPenn - Social & food trucks</p>
<p>these are all from other CC postings, and not based on my experience... </p>
<p>Anyone care to add? or dispute anything misconstrued above?</p>
<p>Harvard - Hard to not graduate with honors
Dartmouth - Middle of nowhere
Princeton - Elitist
Yale - Blond hair that parts in the middle and a semi-english accent
Brown - The color of poop
Columbia - Impersonal
UPenn - Ugly campus (haven’t actually been there, I’m just assuming it’s ugly because the city is)
Cornell- Amish</p>
<p>I don’t stand by these opinions. I made them up on the spot and based them on stuff that I’ve heard on CC and my personal experiences in Philly.</p>
<p>Lol yea I hear Penn alums say it all the time…and I didn’t mean to offend. Penn does seem to have many rich kids from the tri-state area of varying ethnicities dressed to the hilt. Held to one word, “Jappy” seemed to do the trick.</p>
<p>Harvard - wait…undergrads go here?
Princeton - popped collars with sweater vests
Yale - wishes it was Harvard
Cornell - impressive suicide rate
Dartmouth - bonding time in the woods
Brown - like-minded liberals unite!
Columbia - it’s in NYC, what else do you want?
UPenn - sounds like it’s a state school</p>
<p>I need two words per school
Harvard- large egos
Yale- tweed jackets
Princeton- old money
Brown- body piercings
Columbia- The Canon (dead old white guys)
Dartmouth- frat parties
Penn- Long Islanders
Cornell- pocket protectors</p>
<p>Harvard - Leaded
Yale - Bush
Princeton - IBM machine
Dartmouth - snowball
Columbia - Newyoker
Brown - Brown
Cornell - Printed Material
Penn - J&C</p>
<p>Harvard: Self Absorbed
Yale: Self Important
Princeton: Self Impressed
Dartmouth: Keg
Brown: Tie Die
Cornell: Blue Collar
Columbia: Black Sweaters
Penn: Donald Trump</p>