I’m going to CC for a year and then hoping to transfer to LA, SD, Cal, or SB (meaning I would be applying this fall 2015).
I know you must have complete 60 semester/90 quarter units to be able to transfer. I currently have 4s and 5s in 10 APs and 8 credits from dual enrolled CC courses. I looked up how LA counts its APs for credit, and it seems like I have 50 + 8 = 58 quarter credits so far.
One problem is, I have an F in another CC course that I attempted as a senior in HS and blew it off as I didn’t have time with taking 5 APs and studying for standardized tests (I was foolish not to drop it). My other 2 CC courses are A’s. I have a 4.0 unweighted from HS with a lot of AP and a 35 ACT (would my HS GPA/ACT even be considered?).
So if I retake the course in the fall and take a total of 5 classes and earn all A’s, what would my chances for transferring to one of those UCs be? Would they just see the F and throw away my app, or could it be ignored after being replaced in the GPA calculation and due to the circumstances? The F would still show up on my transcript. My GPA with the F in calculation would be a 3.5, with the F retaken it’d be a 4…would UC calculate the GPA with or without the F?
If you retake it and go through the proper procedures then the F will not affect your GPA.
High School GPA and test scores are not considered.
Wait, so there’s literally no way for them to consider my HS grades?
They don’t even ask for anything more than the name of your HS. No GPA, no SAT, no ACT.
They only count CC courses you took in HS. Is there anyway you can retake the F? They’ll only count the replacement grade if you can do it before January 31st.
yeah, i can retake it in the fall along with taking 4 other college classes, but if I’m applying for a year 1 transfer, they’ll only have like 7 CC classes and a bunch of AP scores to go off on…meaning my chances would be extremely slim to none?
It is difficult for one year transfers since they only have a few classes complete by the time your app is reviewed.
Most other applicants have 1.5+ years of CC courses to show, whereas you’ll have your HS ones, any summer classes, and the fall classes. Not to mention the 1.5+ years of ECs to show compared to one year transfers
I’ve known several one year transfers, but I recommend taking 2 years depending on the major. What major?
The F won’t factor in if you retake, and a lot of students do transfer in one year. However, almost all took a couple summer courses prior to their entry into the CCC, so that by the end of fall, they have about 7 classes with letter grades. You might have said you went to summer school. Sorry, I kind of skimmed past the first post.
If you did not go to summer school, it’s a little tougher. I guess it would depend how many courses you took in fall and your GPA.
Regardless, if you have the units, certainly apply. No harm. No foul.
I want to be a CS major although I may go the mathematical sciences route and then change to CS at the UC, if that’s easier. I didn’t take summer school
I’m totally prepared to take 7 classes in the fall, but my CC won’t let me take more than 4-5…can I be enrolled at 2 CCs at once, or take some other online courses?
Also, about the F: if I do retake it and earn an A, they’re still gonna see the F grade and consider that right? It won’t be used for my GPA but they’ll see i failed a class…
“I want to be a CS major”
Imma stop you right there. The CS major is one of the MOST difficult majors to get into. Here are UCLA’s stats from last fall: https://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_tr/Tr_Prof14_mjr.htm#SEAS where the admit rate was ~6%. In earlier years its been even lower.
And they won’t let you switch into CS either. Otherwise everyone would do that route.
Have you looked at the assist.org page yet? How many requirements (emphasis on the REQUIRE part) have you completed? I have friends that took 3 years to do all the CS requirements with a high enough GPA.
Also, why the rush to do it in one year?
Also, re: multiple CCs and 7 classes, you DO NOT want to do that your first semester. That is way more to take on considering the adjustment that college is from HS.
After your first semester, when you’ve gotten the lay of the land, you can enroll in as many CCs as you want. Just make sure you can get transcripts from each one.
If you retake with an A, you’re fine, although you have put yourself at a disadvantage without the summer courses. At this point, I would really just go for two years. The other issue with one years is you would be a year younger than most of your peers at a UC.
Although I will say this. All the kids here say hs was way harder than CCC and I sure see it. (But then again, they weren’t STEM.) Having said that, piling on courses is not really the most ideal way to do it. 
Now, I will also say, only you know your strengths. You have a stellar hs track record. If you think you can pull off 6 courses by end of fall, with one at another CCC, then do it and apply. I think 6 is possibly doable in terms of admissions if you cover a fair amt of major prep and get a strong GPA. At the end, as stated, only you know your strengths.
One year transfer here who was in a very similar situation. I had 24 CC units from dual enrollment but only had 7 AP classes. I also took 9 units the summer before my fall semester.
If your end goal is CS, I agree with @luckie1367 in that you need to stop right now and aim for two years. It’s not happening as a one year transfer with an “F” on your record. For mathematical sciences, it’s more doable as long as you have Calc BC and Physics C: Mech or the equivalents completed.
As far as your questions:
Yes, they will see the “F” regardless if it will be “academically forgiven” or not. Additionally, if your “F” is in a major preparation course, it’s definitely a negative regardless if it’s repeated through academic forgiveness due your small sample size if you intend to go through as a one year transfer.
Also, you can definitely take more than 4-5 courses, but you need to petition with the registrars office to allow what they usually call a “unit overload.” Taking classes at another nearby community college (or even online classes with the far flung less crowded ones) will work, but pay attention to your assist.org and make sure you take ALL major prep courses as I know most UCs will reject you if you don’t meet even one of them. Having multiple community colleges on your record means you also you are expected to take any/all major preps available at those campuses so it can definitely backfire for for one year hopefuls.
Bottom line, if you go through with the one year transfer: I think which course you got the F in (and to a lesser extent whether it was your first ever CC class or not) will be very defining of your chances. They will look at your APs as part of the process but will not put much weight on them relative to CC classes so if you only have 8 completed courses (3 dual enrolled + 5 Fall courses) that is a very small sample size to operate on.
Take it from someone who went though all of that: spread it out over two years. Unless you are a real wunderkid, the stress really isn’t worth it. There isn’t any real advantage for one year transfers and IMHO the only real reason you should consider a one year transfer is if you would run out of major prep classes to take.
Edit: Forgot a word
7 classes
That’s a good one man. Try 3 first.