<p>Well, now that I printed out Part 2 of my online app. there is yet another contradiction on the website. The online app clearly states, DO NOT include AP courses along with regular - list below. When I followed these directions, pressed submit, and then printed out the whole Part 2 as a preview, much to my surprise, the whole thing is different. Now it calls for Honor, IB and AP to all be listed in one space! The heading under APs is now clearly labeled as just for tests taken, not current classes. That makes sense to me, but why is the online version so messed up, then. </p>
<pre><code>Maybe it’s all a test!!!
<p>For "IB/AP courses" section (right under the "current AP classes" and "transfer from abroad" section), do I list AP classes from previous years AND classes from this year? I took AP USH in 11th grade, but it's split into two years, and so I didn't take the test, hoping to take it after we have completed the second year of course. Should I put it under "IB/AP courses" anyway? I'm taking AP USH II this year, and I put it under the "current AP classes" section anyway, so I'm assuming I don't have to do it again?</p>
<p>collegecountdown- what you said the app. says and what the app. actually says is a little different. the exact directions are:</p>
<p>"Please list academic courses you are taking during the current year. Indicate whether the courses are accelerated or honors level.</p>
<p>If you are a mid-year graduate, please add your plans for the second term. Do not include non-academic subjects.</p>
<p>A.P./I.B. course and test information should be placed in the next subsection."</p>
<p>The directions never say to not list AP courses in the first section. They say to put ap "test information" in the next section, and by test information they probably mean scores. The only thing I don't understand is why they would say anything about ap test information in the first section. there is no point, except maybe to confuse me, you, and just about everyone else :).</p>
<p>Panic and Stress make folks squirrely.....take a breath and then ask a princess to come to your rescue......lucky dude that the princess was on it.</p>
<p>princess - Thanks, that is how I am interpreting it now, because it is the only thing that makes rational sense. </p>
<p>Still, the wording is misleading and wrong. What they should have said is that AP course test information should be listed in the next section, not AP course AND test information. I'm sure they have gotten tons of phone calls about this. What would be so hard about fixing the online instructions?</p>
<p>I think they should let everyone who notices into the school!</p>