Online application status update!!

<p>Do the components of our application documents get updated everyday??? The last verification in my application status seems to have been on 5th Jan.</p>

<p>I think only documents that are submitted electronically (like common app., common sup.) can be updated daily. The paper materials may take a few days to be fully uploaded to the computer to show up on the checklist.</p>

<p>All my documents have been submitted electronically only. The thing is, they are already there in my check list. Its the verification part I am talking about. As of date, only my application, supplement and transcript have been verified.</p>

<p>Don’t care about the verification part. Once your application is complete, it’ll be ready for review!</p>

<p>Yeah! Guess its all nerves.</p>

<p>I don’t have the username/password for checking my application status online…! I applied early decision II, did they give the option? Does anyone know where I can go to get my username/password?</p>

<p>Dickinson sent me email with username (usually the applicant’s email) and password last night. I think you should email and ask them. Now I am having another problem. I cannot log in the portal account. It says that my username was not found. I don’t know what is the problem because I logged in successfully the first time :(</p>

<p>has anyone heard from early decision II yet?</p>

<p>I don’t have an account to check my application status either. Does anyone else have it?</p>

<p>shibamango: hey, I applied EDII too :smiley: The result will be released at the end of next week ( on the website, they just say Mid-Feb). So anxious !!!</p>

<p>I applied ED II as well. I am so worried. My CR score might kill me :(</p>

<p>Hey, anyone have any idea?
the financial deadline was feb 1 and i have sent documents before the date too. but they happen to find a fault in my FA form and i had to resubmit again and there in site, my app statues it shows they received my FA forms on 9th feb …
So i was wondering if that would hamper my aid??
Any idea??? :(</p>

<p>I didn’t get the email with the username and password either. I applied early action and am I’m expecting a decision soon. I’ll probably send an email tonight. Did you get your accounts @shibamango and rablinh?</p>

<p>Anyone get their early action news?</p>

<p>@englishjw–Yes, I just got accepted. I think there’s another EA Dickinson thread if you want to check that.</p>