Online college course in linear algebra and/or multivariable calculus for high school student


I’m a rising high school senior who has completed all math courses that are offered at my school. I need to take linear algebra and/or multivariable calculus online but I can’t really find many courses that are affordable.

Could anyone recommend me any college level online math courses for high school students? Thank you!

JHU CTY offers both MVC and Linear Algebra.

LSU (Louisiana State) Online offers Linear Algebra (3 credit course) for $866. Is that affordable?

Have you looked into taking it at your local community college? I took Multivariable Calculus & Linear Algebra this year as a high school senior through my local CC. I took in person because I much prefer in person learning, but they did have a strictly online section and also a hybrid (part online, part in person) section. I live in CA and these classes were free to me, but even if they aren’t, CCs are usually very reasonable.

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Whether this is a feasible option depends on the level of math available at the local community college. California CCs are usually quite advanced compared to CCs in many other states. Out of 119 math classes offered this coming fall on campus or virtually, my local CC here in south central Pennsylvania has one section of Linear Algebra, two sections of Calc III, and one section of Differential Equations. All remote/online. Dozens of remedial math courses. Slim pickings for advanced high school or college math students.

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Yes, I feel very fortunate that we have such robust CC offerings and that it was also totally free. : ) It’s still worth checking since it would definitely be cheaper than other online offerings. Or OP, if not your local CC, maybe your state school offers something online you could enroll in? Or have you asked your guidance counselor? If other people at your high school have exhausted the math curriculum in the past maybe they know some other options for you?

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Berkeley used to offer it online. My S took it. Not sure if still offered.

Your local CC should be the first place to look. Then maybe those in adjacent areas. Our CC didn’t have anything appropriate, but the larger county next to us had multiple options and was still relatively cheap as an in-state/out-of-county resident.

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