Online Deadline - 1/1 11:59 PM or 12/31 11:59 PM

<p>Anyone know for certain which one it is?</p>


<p>I think it's 1/1, but it'd be much better to just stick with 12/31 as the deadline. :)</p>

<p>You'd also have problems with timezones. </p>

<p>Again, of course, it's better to just submit it as early as possible.</p>

<p>Exactly my question--just for other universities. Harvard, Cornell, Stanford, Caltech all seem to have their deadlines at 1/1/06. Is it 12/31 or 1/1? I'd assume it's 1/1, since they have a postmark deadline of 1/1 (mail-in applicants have the whole day and it would be unfair to give online applicants a day less). </p>

<p>Any adcoms who might know? Anyone?</p>

<p>You can submit on the first, even online.</p>

Please remember that January 1 is the postmark deadline for students applying for regular action admission to MIT. This means that you should have the Post Office postmark and mail your materials on or before January 1. If you are applying online, you should click the final "submit" button on or before January 1. </p>

<p>However, I strongly discourage procrastination. The closer you send in your application to the deadline, the longer it will take our records office to process and for it to appear on your Application Tracking. Our records office is fully staffed over the holidays and is, even as I write, busily processing all of the application pieces that have been submitted.


<p>entry: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>But when you think about it, mail in applicants don't have the whole day. In fact, their deadline was essentially today, because tomorrow's sunday, and Jan. 2nd is New Year's Day observed for post offices.</p>

<p>I would agree with what everyone else said...go up to the deadline if you need to, but not that close. You should always submit a day or two early.</p>

<p>Stanford's deadline was 12/15</p>

<p>Think about it, if everyone submits a day or two before the deadline, then the server will probably be pretty free on the deadline. :D </p>

<p>I won't chance it though, I'll submit 12-24hrs before the deadline.</p>

<p>As long as the server doesn't bork like it did around EA. That was stressful, as I was really pushed to the deadline as it was (I hadn't planned on applying for a long time, then I was pushed back further after I decided to apply because I thought it was too late to have an interview. I figured out 4 days before the (original) deadline that I couldn't interview because a lack of an EC in the area.)</p>

<p>Is this Eastern Time</p>