Sorry for the long post. I fully agree that for-profit online degrees do not carry the same weight as established brick and mortar by itself. “By itself” being the key here. I will keep this solely about Bachelor’s degrees. This is coming from someone that has both a state college Bachelor’s degree in Sociology (totally useless out of college as far as gaining employment) and recently a for-profit, accredited, online BS Bus Admin degree (Walden).
If you are just out of high-school or do not have any “real world business” experience beyond low-level retail etc; then definitely go to a brick and mortar.
If you already have significant “real world business” experience or skills then go online. If you have other qualities to back it up, an online degree is a great addition to your resume. Also if you have kids, etc, another good reason to go online. Yes, it’s expensive, but also “time is money”. Brick and mortar school online courses are longer.
I am experienced in my field and fortunately have the added skills of being fluent in Mandarin and English, so I may not a very good example as I never had issues with employment. But this latest degree definitely allowed me to demand a raise and make companies compete for my services, even in the current economy.
Also, online for-profit school legitimacy will improve. The stigma exists, but I was pleasantly surprised to learn most graduates are already experienced professionals, very articulate, experienced, and very skilled. Such “late bloomer/late degree holder” adults in the workforce are going to increase very quickly in the coming years and compete with “brick and mortar” bachelor’s graduates.
For lack of better terms, these late bloomers are desperate in this economy, will work extremely hard, and employers will start to see this. I’m 29 and not yet a parent, but I know many such late bloomer parents around 35~45 and they will walk across landmines to take that job from you. Espeically today. Once more of them show results, the more they will become legitimized among HR. Also, keep in mind, more people in HR will also come from online for profit schools.