Online Environmental Science Course from BYU

<p>My D wants to take Environmental Science (category g - elective) course from BYU (Independent Study/ online). BYU is an approved provider for online courses. But, I didn’t see Environmental Science course as an approved course on UC’s website.</p>

<p><a href=“A-G Policy Resource Guide”>A-G Policy Resource Guide</a></p>

<p>So, will UC accept this course?</p>

<p>If your D needs to fulfill a wet lab, no they will not accept it. You would have to call them regarding the category g - elective, but I do not think so either.
However, if your daughter doesn’t need the course to fulfill the a-g requirements, it would just be an extra class to help fill out a ‘rigorous schedule’, then she can take the course to help prepare her for the AP Exam. If she passes the exam then she can receive college units from UC.
My D was in a similiar situation, except she took AP Biology through BYU and AP Environmental at HS. Listed BYU AP Biology in the application as an extra class, (not an a-g) and passed the AP exams for both and got UC units for them both also.</p>

<p>Thanks for the response. She does not need to take this course to fulfill wet lab requirement. Actually, last semester, she took this course from her high school and got very bad grade. She needs to repeat Env. Sci course to clear that bad grade. She is not going to that high school anymore. So, I cannot speak to any counselor either. I will call UC admissions and ask them.</p>