Online FA Change on April 1

<p>checked the website and there has been some change to info that was there yesterday. Instead of info on Pell there is a big fat ZERO for total financial aid. Immediately called FA Office and they informed me that no financial aid awards are posted online, only by snail mail.. I sure hope so, because a Fat Zero on FA will keep son in the sunshine state..</p>

<p>Ok. where is this FA online check? is that where you go to your app status and it says "You may have Financial Aid, Click here to check" or something? Cuz whenever i click that it doesn't load. It comes up with a error message. And ya i sure hope i don't have a Fat Zero either</p>

<p>Does anyone know when they're coming in snail mail?</p>

<p>esmitty..thats where it status page. Somehow my link opens allright. I hope it is another glitch</p>

<p>I don't see anything under my application status.</p>

<p>It's at the top of the page. After you login with your id and password, you are directed to a page where you click on your application. Instead of clicking on it, look on the top of the page and it should have a hokie bird and next to it it says "you may have financial aid...." or something...</p>

<p>I still can't get on. I'm gonna report a problem to the site, I hope they don't get mad at me.....</p>

<p>has anyone had financial aid info appear in their online app status?</p>


<p>hmm. Still not there.</p>

<p>doesn't it come snail mail?</p>

<p>We are hopeful, too. I checked the Vt FA website just now and it said that there would be a notification by email first with a paper award letter following within the business week. S is checking HokieSpa daily. Even a small award would be very appreciated! Good luck to all and hopefully you will hear something soon!</p>

<p>this is all confusing. first, i was told that i can check the status page to see if i have an FA award. i go to the freshman application status page at <a href=""&gt;;/a>
and login with the login ID and pin#, and select the "Fall Semester 2008" item and see.... nothing. just that i am accepted to VT. there isn't even a field for FA.</p>

<p>now i see from KanKsmom that you can check HokieSpa daily. So i go to "Hokie SPA" item from the QUICKLINKS pulldown on the main VT page and find that my login ID and pin number don't even work there! it appears to be for students only.</p>

<p>so what is the straight scoop? where are you checking for FA awards online? can you drop me a URL link to the place? because these places i'm checking based on what i'm reading here aren't working...</p>

<p>To access hokiespa, you have to have a pid. to have a pid you must submit your deposit. Don't worry about it, i can see the link and it wont work for me. So it might not matter even if you found I think only people with pell grants have aid right now.</p>


<p>i see the link and can open it, but like i wrote before, i spoke to VT FA office and they told me that NO FA award will be posted online. I am able to see an award notification when i go to son's app status page and the reason I called the FA office was that the award said "0" when on March 31 it had at least an award for a Pell Grant and all of a sudden on April 1 it was gone..Read the first post on this thread and you know what i mean..esmitty01 is right, only after acceptance you will get a Hokiespa..that info is with the package sent to you via regular mail...kanksmom must have sent the $400 big ones already...that takes money</p>

<p>sunnydad, guts is about all I'll have after paying for two to go to college :) eldest was ED admit to VT so he knew pretty early this was where he wanted to go...good luck to your S!</p>