Online learning websites (for pre-calc)? Anyone have experience with straighter-line or


This question isn’t for me; rather, it’s for my brother. My brother is entering his sophomore year of high school this fall, and will be taking pre-calculus as his math course. He’s interested in taking an online pre-calc course this summer to prep, as he’s heard that it’s a tougher math.

Does anyone have any suggestions for good online learning websites? I’ve looked, and came across both straighter-line and Additionally, if anyone has used either of those sites, it would be great if you could tell me your experience with them :slight_smile:

Thank you!

I’ve used Khan Academy before for pre-calc. I found the first few videos confusing, but the ones after helpful.

I’ve also used Khan Academy for math (precalc and calc), and it’s great. I’ve usually used it to supplement a course, though. I’m looking for more of a structured way of learning (brother is not too independently driven haha), like a class type of deal. But thank you for the suggestion :slight_smile:

You can also use, if your school has them approved as an online provider.