online recommendation not received

<p>anyone who has their online teacher recommendation received? does it come at the same time with the Common Application and the supplement? I still miss online recommendation.</p>

<p>20 views… anyone can help me please?</p>

<p>I do not know how Penn is viewing the application. Even though my teacher recs, transcript, etc. were all sent at the same time they recieve at different times. For example they received one of my teacher recs and the other about a week later.</p>

<p>I have no idea, but the portal says they still have not gotten one of my recommendations. It’s frightening considering they only have a few more days to make a decision, but they still don’t have my stuff together. I called them and the lady who answered the phone (hope it was someone who knew what they were talking about) said not to worry because they were still sorting through things and if i was indeed missing something they would notify me via email or something else.</p>

<p>…I hope she realized i was applying ED and not regular.</p>

<p>Don’t worry guys… they’ll get to you. I got pulled out of one of my classes today by my counselor and she told me that Penn had contacted her about missing both of my teacher recommendations… I guess someone from Penn told my counselor they were making my decision today and that they wanted the rec letters faxed ASAP, meaning that day. Anyways, my counselor sent them around 1:00pm today… but Portal still doesn’t say that they have received them but hopefully that will change soon!</p>

<p>Basically, don’t worry about not having the recommendations in because the admissions will get in touch with you and it won’t be held against you. Good luck!</p>