Online SAT practice tests?

<p>What are some good SAT pratice tests available online to be printed or taken? Is the College Board Practice test helpful? Lol I just printed it out and it was like 70 pages... so hopefully that won't go to waste</p>

<p>just buy a book. taking a test online is not realistic - it does you no good and gives you ZERO experience of how to actually take the test. also, it's not worth spending all the ink and paper to stick it to the study guide publishers.</p>

<p>but if you're just looking for casual practice like between classes at school, or whatever, then i don't know and sorry, the above doesn't apply to you.</p>

<p> has a good, relatively accurate online test. I tried the practice SAT from Princeton Review and the practice ACT from Kaplan and I had unusually lower scores on both compared to my usual practice scores. I wonder why...</p>