<p>so i received my online status thing from swarthmore and the only thing missing is my mid-year reports (which is expected because they were just sent out). </p>
<p>i was wondering if our admissions decision will be put on this website for us to check on decision day or will we receive our decisions by mail? </p>
<p>To ED2 applicants : How long does Swarthmore update your status after sending missing materials? I sent my fee waiver and mid-year transcript about 1 weeks ago but they are still “missing”. Adcom said to me that they received them!</p>
I faxed my fee waiver and mailed my midyear report both on Thursday.
Next day my fee waiver status was corrected and the day after, my midyear report.</p>
<p>Then again, I only live abot 30 min from Swarthmore.</p>
<p>DD paid the application fee on December 3rd–I have the Common App Payment Confirmation–but the status page for Swarthmore is still showing Payment as missing. Should we contact them?</p>