Only 2 Years of Foreign Language...

<p>Hello, I was looking at the Expected High School Curriculum for Purdue's Engineering program and it says that they expect 4 years of a foreign language. I have only taken 2 years of Spanish and will not be taking any more (I'm a junior.) I switched out Spanish III in favor of Intro to Engineering this year because I transferred to a more difficult school and the Spanish class here was incredibly reliant on prior knowledge that I just did not have. Would it be frowned upon severely by the admissions only having 2 years?
-4.0 GPA UW
-Just got an 1840 on my junior year PSAT, hoping it will go up to about a 2100 through studying.
-Currently taking Algebra 2 and Precalculus at the same time so that I can take Calculus this summer at my local community college. I'll also be taking Physics at that college probably.
-Pre-AP English and US History this year, APUSH and AP English in senior year.
-Out of State Applicant
Thanks for any input!</p>

<p>Most schools do not care as long as you have the requirement, i switched out of spanish this year also in favor of adding ap bio. As long as you have a class rather than nothing, your fine.</p>