<p>I checked my application status to say and it says "...Because you're a leading applicant, we have good news about your admission to The University of Texas at Austin. Your excellent record allows us to guarantee your admission to UT Austin so that you can begin making plans for your enrollment"</p>
<p>I'm out of state though, it says nonresident on the same page. I guess they have guaranteed admission for OOS with certain stats? Anyone heard of this before? Thanks.</p>
<p>I don’t think UT really cares about anything other than stats. Are you top ten percent? The only automatic admission I know of is for in-state top ten %ers. </p>
<p>Oh, well that’s strange. i guess it much have been your ACT scores then? I have no idea, never heard of this before. Congrats on being a leading applicant that pwns teh rest of us noobs ;)</p>
<p>thats weird.
Im OOS as well but didn’t see anything like what you’re talking about. When did you apply?
My Stats:
Top 5% School Doesnt Rank
2250 SAT
4.25 weighted GPA
solid ec’s
770 Math II SAT2
NMSQT SemiFinalist- 225 on PSAT
I applied for financial aid and Im applying engineering… Perhaps that changes things</p>
<p>This acceptance message has not come up before. I think it is new this year. I think we will hear more about this. Interesting.</p>
<p>It has been noted that out of state National Merit Scholars have always been accepted. Maybe UT Admissions decided that people with top 1% test scores and perfect GPAs should get that acceptance message. This reminds me, of course, of Likely Letters from colleges like Dartmouth. An acceptance before the formal acceptance, to help make you more likely to attend.</p>
<p>So, athenos, do you think you will be coming to Austin next year?</p>
<p>(pachu161 - I really don’t think they would hold “applying for financial aid” against you.)</p>
<p>I know of oos’ers who got admitted early, not sure about the letter, but my son’s roommate freshman year was a val, NMF and he got his acceptance to the business school sometime in November. I think if you are a “no brainer” in terms of admission they let you know early.</p>
<p>S received same letter. Still waiting to hear about B-school. He has OK stats (33 ACT and 3.9 GPA) decent ec’s and is in top 7-9%. It appears that UT is only focused on class rank!</p>
<p>I’m not sure if I’m going to go to UT or not yet, it depends if I get a scholarship or other aid. I didn’t apply to any honors programs, on my app I selected I would like information about the engineering honors or whatever but I never submitted the stuff for it.</p>