<p>Asian Female
4.0 W GPA
~3.5 UW GPA
32 ACT (plan on sending) (35 English, 34 Math, 30 Reading, 27 Science)
1320/1970 SAT (not sending) (660 M,660 CR, 650 W)
4 APs, all honors classes</p>
<p>4 years of tennis, 2 years varsity (a few awards here and there)
4 years concert band
2 years key club
2 years art club
2 years of doing comm. service for the basketball team
other insignificant clubs yada yada</p>
<p>I was a Bloustein Scholar for NJ? does that count as an award? haha</p>
<p>UHH...I don't know what else to put. Well I'm planning to apply for economics hopefully...transferring into business after that...uhh...</p>
<p>My Ecs are pretty horrible, I'm not even gonna lie. My GPA is average. My ACT scores are alright. I know I have one excellent recommendation from my english teacher. Being out of state sucks too. And being asian sucks too. How much of a chance do i stand at getting in?</p>