OOS Chances for Engineering

My son has 33 ACT and 3.5 GPA (4.1 weighted) with a couple of varsity sports as EC. AP Physics 1, 2 and C and Calc AB. This school has just come onto our radar and I read that only 18% of applicants to the Engineering college are accepted. His interest is Civil Engineering (and all of the fun outdoor activites available in the area). Any opinons as to his chances of acceptance?

Actually, around 72% of applicants are admitted. Here is the link from VT site. Choose Applications, Offers then the College of Engineering. It will open the historical data for Applied, Admits and Enrolled. Also, it shows the average GPA, SAT, etc. This is specific to the COE. BTW you apply to Engineering at VT, not a specific major initially. After your first year, you apply to a particular major within COE. Hope this helps.


Thank you. That was very helpful. The reason I specified OOS is that many posts here seem to make a distinction and I thought that perhaps there was perhaps a state mandate to accept mostly instate which would hurt my sons chances.

I have never seen VT break the stats out between IN/Out of state. However, I have always heard that being Out of State is harder / more selective in their admittance of students. So, I would recommend looking at the combined stats and understand that as out of state applicate, you will probably need to be in the top 25% stat range to have the best chances. (at least using pure stats only)

out of state isn’t more competitive. it’s just the average person isn’t thrilled to pay out of state tuition so less of them will eventually decide to enroll.