OOS Chances

<p>caucasian, female, middle class, public school (solid, but not especially competitive) in Michigan</p>

<p>GPA: 3.865 (uw, don't know weighted)
Class Rank: 44/293 (based on unweighted GPAs; many of the students above me deserve to be there, but some of them also just take easier classes)
PSAT: 233
SAT: 760 R, 720 M, 660 W (is this worth retaking?)
ACT: 34
possibly will become a national merit finalist
AP Eng Lang: 4
SAT II: 730 USH, 780 Lit</p>

<p>Taking two classes at a Washington University (in St. Louis) over the summer, got an A- in a world history class and a B (I procrastinated too much) in a literature/banned books one</p>

American Studies (two-hour block class, English and US history) A
German I A
AGS II (algebra, geometry, and statistics) A
Earth Space Science (semester) A
Integrated Physical Science (sem.) A
Orchestra A</p>

Literature and Composition (sem.) A
Speech B+
Biology A
Economics (sem.) A
US Government (sem.) A
Orchestra A
German II A

<p>Junior: (not sure of the grades, but I think the average is an A-)
AP Eng Lang
German III

<p>I've taken the most challenging schedule possible so far, excepting science classes (just took Chem last year instead of AP Bio) and taking orchestra instead of another academic class.</p>

<p>Classes this year:
AP English Lit
AP Calculus
Honors Humanities (two hour block class for one English credit and one social studies credit)
German IV (not officially AP, but I'll most likely be taking the test)
Gym (required for graduation)</p>

<p>I'm going to try to get all As or A-'s next year, but I definitely won't get anything lower than a B+.</p>

<p>Extra-Curricular Activities: (when I say present I mean I plan on continuing them through senior year)
Destination Imagination: first grade through 11th; will be co-managing an elementary school team this year
Violin: school (as a class) orchestra, 5th through 11th; private lessons, 5th through the present
World Cultures Club (at school, like a combination of the language clubs with some other cultures thrown in): 10th through present
I attempted to join German club freshman year, but it dissolved after just a couple meetings due to lack of participation
Quiz Bowl: 10th through present</p>

likely a national merit semi-finalist, possibly a finalist
various academic awards throughout school (don't remember what subjects I got them in)</p>

<p>I'm a bit confused about the chart that is supposed to tell what my approximate chances of admittance are...My ACT and SAT scores both fit into the top category, but when I combine them with my GPA I get a 95% chance and when I combine them with my class rank, I get a 70% chance... And how does the fact that I'm OOS affect things? Could somebody clarify this chart for me?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>You're in.</p>

<p>I assume you're applying to UMich. Where else?</p>

<p>EDIT: Never mind. I guess you won't be applying to UMich.</p>


<p>I actually would apply to UMich if I didn't live as close as I do to it (like 10 minutes away). It's a great school, great campus, etc., but it's just too familiar. I'm still working on my list, but I'm thinking of schools such as Columbia, UC Berkeley, Georgetown, George Washington, Macalester, Johns Hopkins, American, and Boston University.</p>

<p>Looks good- and you can check the freshman expectations chart under admissions for your high chances. UW only uses unweighted grades, BTW.</p>

<p>I got in with similar (slightly lower actually) stats last year</p>

<p>Your chance is very good.... don't procrastinate too long ... work on those essays and complete your app sooner than later.</p>