OOS easier to get admitted?

<p>Wondered if anyone knew if Geneseo was easier to get into for out of state students? 3.5 gpa and 27 ACT (SATs pending) at top Midwestern public (USNWR "silver").
Those stats wouldn't be anywhere near the Class of '13 stats on Geneseo's web site.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t rely too much on the Class of 13’ stats. Unfortunately I can’t comment on whether being OOS makes it easier or harder.</p>

<p>However I had a 3.3 gpa and 28 ACT which was far below what was posted as the median, even my SAT scores weren’t incredibly impressive but I made it in. If you think you have other factors like ECs and good essays or recommendations they might just make a difference.</p>

<p>It certainly does help, but will not make a huge difference.</p>

<p>I am in-state and was admitted with a 3.6 and 27 ACT. 27 is in the lower 25th percentile for Geneseo. However, I’m very well-rounded being involved in athletics, music and load of extra curricular activities.</p>

<p>As pointed out by zep, a good essay, ECs and recommendations plus being out of state can make up for that 27 ACT.</p>

<p>Thanks all</p>

<p>Well… During our visit earlier this year, an out of state family asked this question in our info session. She actually asked the other way “are NY students given preference?”. The Dean answering the questions said… “No, everyone is treated the same, state residence is not a factor in admissions” Having said that, it is certainly possible that being out of state could introduce a diversity factor that may make the candidate more interesting… The large # of NYers is one minor negative for us… We are from NY, but I prefer my kids to have a broader social network from college… We still love the school and are visiting there again this week.</p>