OOS-Just got in!!

<p>My S just found out this morning that he was accepted. He checked late last night on-line but it said "admissions counselor is reviewing" then this morning it had changed to "congratulations-your packet is in the mail!" All his materials, including the school transcript and teacher recs were sent out by October 1. He has a 3.9W GPA and 33ACT with numerous APs and all honors thoughout high school, very strong ECs, but he wasn't top 10% since he goes to an extremely competitive high school. (Half the school has incredible stats-even by CC standards.) He's top 25%. We are from the Northeast so I was nervous about him being "postponed." He is seriously considering Wisconsin. Likes the "Big 10" atmosphere and strong academics.</p>

<p>Congratulations!! =)</p>


<p>I'm also in the same condition as your son but I had a higher W gpa and lower ACT and just got in at Wisconsin as well. :)</p>

<p>so you heard on a saturday???? that awesome...congrats</p>