OOS Questions

Hi All. OOS parent here with a few questions about A&M.
Are 4 years of science required for admission for OOS applicants? S is entering senior year and has completed Biology, Chem and Physics, but hadn’t scheduled a 4th year of science (he plans to be a business major). He can still change his schedule but was focused on doubling up in math and other AP courses.

Does campus clear out on weekends (well, I mean non-football weekends)?

Do OOS students have a tougher time in certain frats if interested in Greek life?

Both of my OOS kids took 4 years of science , both majored in business. Can you gain admission with just 3? Yes, but it would put your student into the review category vs. automatic admit(provided they qualify). For a business major that is high risk - I wouldn’t do it. The categories line up with the Texas degree system from HS which is tiered based on courses taken. As a business major you are required to take 8 units of science for your degree, so any background courses or AP will help in the long run (which translates to two science courses + 2 lab courses).

Campus does not clear out for weekends - just Thanksgiving ( & they come back if there is a game), Christmas & Spring Break. Most students tend to stay put for the weekends - it is not a ‘commuter school’. There is lots of participation on the weekends with various clubs & sporting teams. The population of the school although mostly Texans, often have long commutes home. It is very common to have families visit & be included the festivities - IMO more so than other schools. We enjoyed our time as parents & always felt welcomed by both our own students & their friends ( LOVED that about this school ).

As far as a fraternity - greek life is a little harder for OOS as they don’t have the ‘inside track’ - that being said both of mine went Greek (fraternity & sorority). Fraternity rush is very unstructured comparing to sorority recruitment - it starts after school begins, very informal (like join us for bowling, game of football or a party). My son started in one fraternity having been selected as a pledge, then switched to another that better suited him (sororities can’t do that). There are many more fraternities than sororities, but the sororities are significantly larger (over 200+ members vs. 30-100 members). There are also non-traditional Greek fraternities/sororities here as well (meaning religious based, major based,interest based, etc). They are ‘advertised’ at the club fair shortly after school begins in the fall - you express interest there or directly with the fraternity. IMO it is far easier to get into a fraternity of your choice than a sorority due to the recruitment process.

Thanks AGMom! Very helpful.

Science is Weakest subject, S much prefers and enjoys math and social studies, and also excels at English. Appreciate your candor, bottom line, if he wants to be an Aggie in Mays, take science Sr. Year! (He does qualify for auto admit)

Great to hear how welcomed you felt as an OOS family by other Aggies in state, always a bit of a concern when coming from OOS. Obviously since you have two Aggies that speaks volumes about your comfort at A&M! We are a plane ride away, but have an older child who lives in state and would definitely visit (especially on game weekends!).

I may reach out with further questions!

@Meant2B - My son is going into his senior year in aerospace engineering. We are from Arizona. I can’t speak to the senior year science issue; my son had tons of math and science in HS. He also never had any interest in fraternities, so I can’t speak to that. (He has never even been to a football game!) But I can talk about fitting in and making friends at a school that is 97% Texans.

My son has made lifelong friends. Students and faculty have generally been friendly and supportive. He has been invited often to home for weekends and Thanksgiving. As I said, he has no interest in fraternities, but there are hundreds of clubs and organizations for just about any interest. One way or another, any OOS student should fit in as long as he/she does not act superior and is willing to get out of the dorm and meet people.

Thanks @Beaudreau! Apparently OOS students are exempt from the science requirement, however, to AGMom’s point earlier, could make the applicant less competitive overall. Clearly done schedule decisions need to be made!

S is pretty social, and a huge sports fan, so hopefully that common interest with many Aggies will be a great common ground to meeting others. Interested in community service and other clubs, intranurals, which is another plus for A&M, so many things to get involved in!

Glad to hear further confirmation of the environment to accept and embrace OOS students.