OOS Scholarships

<p>DS was admitted however, her stats were below the scholarship threshold: 23 ACT/910 SAT (Math/Reading)/GPA 3.9 . Is there any hope of a scholarship for someone with these stats? She plans to major in Sociology. Thanks!</p>

<p>DS stands for dear son. Is this your daughter? Then use DD. :)</p>

<p>Sorry, but I doubt that a 23 ACT would get any merit scholarship money since over half of the frosh class has higher test scores. There are only a limited number of awards. Most students at Bama don’t get any merit money. </p>

<p>That’s what I figured; I guess she’ll be going closer to home. She was also accepted to FAU, USF, deferred from FSU; but pending UF and FAU. Thanks for the response. Natural consequences :frowning: </p>

<p>2gyrlz, try not to make her feel like it’s a consequence. With that GPA she sounds like a hard worker. Give her the credit due her.</p>

<p>If she qualifies for Bright Futures, then staying instate is going to be much more affordable. </p>

<p>I don’t know what the amount is that you were willing to pay at Bama, but even if she snagged some small scholarship, the total cost would be a lot higher than her instate school. and if she has Bright Futures, then the difference would be really large.</p>

<p>She’ll retake the ACT before graduation because she needs a 29 for BF. She is an extremely hardworker and she had her heart set on UA, but I’ll be happy with her closer to home. I’m sure she’ll be happy with her final choice. Thanks for the advice.</p>


<p>Yes, she’ll need a 29 for the top level of BF, but she only needs a 26 for Medallion level, which is still worthwhile.</p>

<p>I would also have her take the SAT. It sounds like there may be an ACT section that’s dragging her score down. What was the breakdown of her ACT? If the Science section is hurting her, then she may very well do much better on the SAT. The writing section on the SAT doesn’t count. She only needs a 1170/1290 for the two levels of BF. </p>

<p>If she doesn’t qualify for BF as a frosh, can she go to a CC first, and then qualify for the last two years? I know that she has to apply before HS graduation.</p>