OOS Student Admission/Scholarship Questions

<p>Hello all-</p>

<p>We have a junior who is starting to make his college list and my hubby and I are interested in UA. It seems like a great place with lots to offer. We are from Illinois and I think he would enjoy the change of weather. My son is interested in Engineering, has a 30 ACT (he plans to take it again with his class in April) and a 3.4 GPA. Here are my questions:</p>

<li><p>Would he get accepted directly into Engineering? Has taken all honors Science, Spanish and high level math classes.</p></li>
<li><p>Would he get any scholarship money. It seems like the cut-off is 3.5. </p></li>

<p>Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>Is that his weighted or unweighted GPA? Any AP classes?</p>


<p>Weighted GPA with the following honors/ap classes</p>

<p>Honors Physics, Chemistry, Biology
AP Phyisics, AP Engineering Physics (will take these senior year)
AP Calculus AB
3 years Honors Spanish (Finished Spanish 4)</p>

<p>I know there are many schools who have additional weighting on the final transcripts for colleges only for the AP classes. Many use one for class rank and additional weight applies to transcript for college admission. I would talk with his GC and ask about that. Sounds like he is off to a good start with his ACT. I bet he will be able to pick up the additional 2 points on the ACT to receive the Presidential.</p>

<p>I know nothing about Engineering so I can’t help you there, but Mom2collegekids and a few others on here can help you I am sure.</p>

<p>I hope you will make plans to visit very soon! Good luck to your son. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>^ yes he will get accepted directly into Engineering, you apply to the college not the individual major. Getting in will not be an issue.</p>

<p>Being from Illinois also, I am going to assume your weighted GPA is the final number with no additional bump for APs, so realistically he needs to finish strong this year and get that GPA up to 3.5 for scholarships. If he is from a similar school to DS, I do understand how difficult that is, wish they would weigh APs 1.5 and Honors 1 as there is a world of difference in difficulty between, say, Hon. Chem. vs. AP Chem.</p>

<p>Also remember with the new change this year the (April) state sponsored PSAE/ACT will NOT include writing so you can’t count on that to use for admittance/scholarships at UA.</p>

<p>The University of Alabama requires the writing section of either the ACT or SAT test. As we continue to use a holistic approach to review each applicant, the writing component will offer further insight into a student’s readiness for college level work.</p>

<p>PM if you have any additional questions, there are a few of us Illinios to Bama parents on here. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Since your son’s GPA is weighted at this point, I would suggest that he work really hard this semester to end the year with the best grades possible to hopefully boost his GPA to a 3.5</p>

<p>There’s a lot riding on that needed 3.5 GPA…If he were to get that, since he has an ACT 30, he’d get free tuition plus 2500 per year as an eng’g major. That’s worth over $90k. Explain that to your son…that makes a HUGE difference.</p>

<p>Bama does NOT count senior year grades, so he can’t use those.</p>

<p>He needs that 3.5 GPA for an ASSURED scholarship. Those who don’t get an assured scholarship might get a scholarship, but no one knows what they might get. </p>


<p>Also remember with the new change this year the (April) state sponsored PSAE/ACT will NOT include writing so you can’t count on that to use for admittance/scholarships at UA.</p>


<p>To clarify…You CAN use it, but you must also take one that has writing…but Bama will accept one without writing…but he must take the ACT again with Writing…That’s the only thing that Bama sort of super-scores for.</p>

<p>It would almost be worth it to sign your son up NOW for some kind of online class that would be an easy A to further boost his GPA. He’d have to take the class now…before he’s a senior.</p>


<p>Weighted GPA with the following honors/ap classes</p>

<p>Honors Physics, Chemistry, Biology
AP Phyisics, AP Engineering Physics (will take these senior year)
AP Calculus AB
3 years Honors Spanish (Finished Spanish 4)</p>


<p>How much weighting will his school give him for the one AP and his honors classes?</p>

<p>It’s too bad that many of his APs are senior year…he needs that bump NOW. This happens a lot…kids take a bunch their senior year, when they need the bump before then. :(</p>

<p>Anyway…yes…your son will get into Engineering…he just needs that 3.5 GPA along with that ACT 30 to get full tuition plus!</p>

<p>Did he take AP US history or AP euro?</p>

<p>M2CK - Can you please clarify this. I am confused. Does this mean that if a child elects to pursue an engineering major they only need a 30 ACT for the full tuition scholarship, but if they do not, they need a 32?</p>

<p>I got this from the following page:</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/scholarships/]Scholarships”>Scholarships – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>COE Scholarships:

  • Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (math and verbal scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive a tuition supplement to bring their University-level scholarship offer up to the value of tuition. In addition, they will receive $2,500 per year for four years.</p>

<p>But, it also says the following for OOS Univ. of Alabama Scholarships:

  • Students who have a 30-31 ACT or 1330-1390 SAT (critical reading and mathematics scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive two-thirds the cost of tuition for four years.
  • Students who have a 32-36 ACT or 1400-1600 SAT (critical reading and mathematics scores only) and at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA will receive out-of-state tuition for four years.</p>



<p>Yep! That’s right!</p>

<p>the Col of Eng’g boosts an ACT 30 or SAT 1330 (m+Cr) to full tuition plus 2500 per year.</p>

<p>So, the student gets TWO scholarships…</p>

<p>1) from the univ for 2/3 tuition</p>

<p>2) from the CoE for the other 1/3 plus 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Total value…over $90k</p>

<p>This is for any area in Engineering, including Comp Sci</p>

<p>it’s great.</p>

<p>hope they continue to keep on offering!! :)</p>

<p>Cool!!! I’m not letting my S know that. :o) He has the 30 ACT, but I mistakenly told him the other day, after having only read the U of A scholarship page that they must’ve increased the score to 32 this year, so he has to keep studying!</p>

<p>Evil mom tricks. (but it does make me feel better about already having scheduled our trip in March)</p>

Right…don’t say anything.</p>

<p>Besides…no one knows at this point, what the scholarship offers will be for next year’s applicants.</p>

<p>So far, there haven’t been any changes these last few years, but you never know.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. Unfortunately, mathematically getting him to a 3.5 before senior year is impossible. The best is like a 3.48 or something like that. I guess what I am really asking is are there any other ways to get $$$? Do they give out any scholarship money to students on the cusp? I realize it wouldn’t be automatic.</p>

<p>Regarding the ACT in Illinois, yes isn’t that the worst! This year you cannot get the writing on the state sponsored tests? He has already taken the writing so we can submit the 30 with writing and hope for a point or two higher on the state test in April.</p>

<p>My son had some serious medical issues freshman/sophomore years and was out of school for over 30 days so he really did ok considering.</p>

<p>So, any money without the 3.5?</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say that he can’t get any money without the 3.5.</p>

<p>It’s just that it’s unknown. There have been cases where kids with - say - an ACT 32 and a 3.4 GPA get awarded a tuition scholarship later…but there’s no way of knowing that now.</p>

<p>If it’s truly impossible for your son to get to a 3.5 GPA (even with an online class added), then your best hope is the best ACT or SAT as he can get.</p>

<p>Obviously, a student with a high SAT or ACT is more likely going to be awarded a scholarship without the 3.5. </p>

<p>Does anyone know if a summer CC class or two will bump the GPA? Anyone know if Bama will include that in GPA?</p>

<p>At a minimum, I would also try taking a CC class or two…in something rather easy…get two As and then appeal using that.</p>

<p>i guess he needs to work for the 32, then, without the 3.5.</p>

<p>sometimes UA requires high schools to send a transcript with a note from the counselor to explain. in our case the school needed to provide a weighted GPA on a 4 point scale (instead of the 6 point scale that the district uses). maybe your high school could provide a weighted GPA for him.</p>

<p>I did the same thing, momom2…pushed for the 32, did not tell him until later that he could “get away with” a 30. I knew he could get at least 32, but my main concern was wanting him to have the 32 in the unlikely event he decides on a different major after starting at UA. Then he would be covered either way!</p>

<p>Ummm…maybe they can round up? I’d call a 3.48 a 3.5. :)</p>

<p>Thanks Everyone! I will continue to push him and hopefully he will be able to up the ACT to 32. He increased 4 points from September to December so maybe he has a chance :-)</p>

<p>Do you think applying early will help with the $$$?</p>

<p>IMO there is nothing better than the guaranteed scholarships. i would work on getting the details of a guaranteed scholarship worked out rather than “hoping” for others.</p>

<p><strong><em>Also remember with the new change this year the (April) state sponsored PSAE/ACT will NOT include writing so you can’t count on that to use for admittance/scholarships at UA.</em></strong></p>

<p>Actually, if he’s already taken the writing test once, he can use the composite score from a test that doesn’t include writing for scholarship purposes. My D did that this year and I had e-mailed scholarships to specifically ask that question. The scholarship office said they were concerned only with the composite score and didn’t care about writing; the writing test is an admissions requirement. So as long as you have one writing test, the other scores can be without writing and still count for scholarship purposes.</p>

<p>Thank you for clarifying that beth’s mom. My son’s 30 is w/o writing and my greatest fear right now is that his score would actually decrease (not a major fear, a likely irrational fear) in April when he also takes the writing section.</p>