OOS student mingling at UW?

<p>Ive been looking into UW more and more, but some things worry me. I would be coming from Arizona, and I would most likely know no one. This really worries me because of all of the Instate students. Is it really challenging for someone who knows no one to adjust to life in Wisconsin?</p>

<p>I'm outgoing and social, and will most likely be doing something with the baseball, whether that be club or intramural.</p>

<p>Can you guys give me any information that would calm my nerves?</p>


<p>You will have the social time of your life. People overall are very friendly.</p>

<p>No problem, presume you are a rising HS senior. Get your application in early next fall, when you (presumably) get accepted send in a dorm contract within the required time so you can live in Res Halls and mingle to your heart's content. Yes, OOS students do get in the dorms.</p>

<p>isnt there like an all oos dorm?</p>

<p>typically private housings consists of a mostly OOS
<a href="http://www.universityhouse.com/UHmadison/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.universityhouse.com/UHmadison/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>There are no OOS dorms, Res Halls and the University do not want to segregate students- once you're in you are the same (except for paying more tuition). Also, students from Wis. who apply to live in the dorms by a certain date (March 15, but also meeting the Res Halls deadline based on admission date?) are assured of housing (some state law I believe)- therefore OOS students may have a slight disadvantage in housing. Some OOS students have self segregated in private housing- see past UW threads for more info on this.</p>

<p>~40% of the incoming classes will be from outside the state of Wisconsin. ~30% of the class will be from outside Wisconsin and Minnesota. This is one of the largest OOS populations of any public school in the country. Hundreds of kids from California each year (I know you're AZ, but you get the point). You will not feel left out.</p>

<p>I stayed in the old Ogg last year. On my floor, there were guys from Boston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, San Francisco, DC, Detroit, etc... </p>

<p>Stay in the public dorms... you'll have the best overall experience, and you WILL make friends if you just talk to people and stuff.</p>