<p>Ethnicity:Native American
Fairly competative public school
Send about 25% of students to top 100 schools
GPA: 4.5
Class Rank 15 out of 400 top 5%
SAT I 1850 aiming for a 2000
ACT 29
Most vigorous course load
Scored 4 or higher on the four AP's I took Junior Year</p>
<p>Senior Class Schedule
AP Psychology
ADV SS Mentors
AP US Government
AP Statistics
AP Economics
AP English IV
AP Biology</p>
<p>-Attended Texas Boys State, became Lt. Governor, and a Texas Boys State attorney
-Junior and Senior Class Vice President
-Principles Leadership Award
-Cum Laude Society founder @ school
-Multicultural Club treasurer
-Varsity Golf captain 3yrs(top 10 qualifyer at Regionals)
-National Honor Society Member 2yrs
-Student Council Member
-UIL creative writing, current events, and number sense
-Honor Guard
-Working on having some of my writing published I worked on over the summer, may be difficult to do before applying but its possible
-over 100 community service hourse at Presbyterian Hospital</p>
<p>Expecting extremely good rec's and essays</p>
<p>Schools I'm looking at:</p>
<p>Reach Schools:
-Washington University
-U Chicago</p>
<p>Match Schools:
-UT Austin
-Loyola Chicago
-U Mass
-Boston U</p>
<p>Safety Schools:
-University of North Texas
-North Texas Central College
-University of Oklahoma
-Texas A&M
-University of Colorado</p>
<p>Tell me if I'm aiming too high or any other suggestions you might have</p>