<p>I just discovered this and it's really cool. Yale has filmed entire courses that are free for anyone to watch online. I really enjoyed the psych one and economics was good too. It's nice to get a feel of what college classes are like. Here's the link:</p>
<p>Online</a> Video Lectures and Course Materials — Open Yale Courses</p>
<p>MIT does the same thing with a whole range of its intro classes.</p>
<p>I’m sad for you that you just discovered that, I’ve been watching them for a good 3 months now
<p>BUT I’m happy that you did find them because they are AMAZING. </p>
<p>Would it be nerdy to say that my friend and I actually had a little get together in which we went to the library, took out all the books mentioned on the intro to psych syllabus, went back to her house, popped some pop corn and then sat on the couch and watched a good 3/4 of the course while taking notes and reading excerpts? No, it wouldn’t be nerdy at all
<p>But fer cereal, OYCs are like the GREATEST things ever, and I love how they didn’t filter our the boring profs. so that you can really can get a feel for how any class is a crapshoot if you gel with the teacher or not. </p>
<p>My favorite is the intro to psych class, if anyone’s watched it I like the part where he talks about how he put a Panda in his lecture slides just because the picture is “pretty damn cute” I hope to god if I get into Yale I have profs. like that!</p>
<p>YAY YALE!</p>
<p>haha, i watched the first philosophy one, and while listening to it got so angry at the professor; i could tell that if i took that class i’d be arguing with the guy everyday, but it was fun. agree-it’s a great way to get a feel for what a yale college class is really like.</p>
<p>I watched a few of the psychology ones when I still thought Columbia was my number one. Really made the subject engaging compared to the intro to psych books I’ve read before.</p>