<p>What do you do before opening letters and emails to know if you've been accepted or not?</p>
<p>Personally, I close my eyes and pray to God! Then I open it. =)</p>
<p>What do you do before opening letters and emails to know if you've been accepted or not?</p>
<p>Personally, I close my eyes and pray to God! Then I open it. =)</p>
<p>Praying to God won't magically change the answer. ;]</p>
<p>I just rationalize why I don't want to go there - open it - then forget what I was just thinking about them.</p>
<p>nothing special.
just get a bit nervous, that's all.</p>
<p>I have to breath because usually my fingers are too shaky to open things when i'm nervous. sometimes they get so bad i can't open it at all and i have to make parents do it.</p>
<p>Do most emails give evidence of what the decision will be in the subject (e.g. congratulations) or is the subject usually the same for acceptances and rejections?</p>
<p>^ wow such a good question...i hope the subject line of the email is not "REJECTION"..I would hate opening my gmail and seeing my inbox filled with those :(</p>
<p>Most sort of hint at the decision. They'll say something like Congratulations! or Welcome to..... or We're pleased to tell you...</p>
<p>yeah, it's easy to tell with snail mail. thick = good. thin = not good.</p>
<p>email.. it's harder. there's usually like four links you have to click on.</p>
<p>I actually have received some of my acceptances in small envelopes. One of them said "Congratulations" on the front of the envelope. My friend received all three of her acceptances in thin envelopes, too.</p>
<p>wow. that is so weird.. i've never really heard of that except in rare cases</p>
<p>^ I think w/e-mail, the subject line will have something ambiguous like "Your ______ Decision." I can't imagine a school putting any variation of "REJECTED" as the very first thing you see, haha.</p>
<p>However, I use Gmail, which gives me a 5-word-ish preview of the message in the inbox before it's even opened. Yikes! :/</p>
<p>For those of you with gmail, you can turn off the preview feature which shows the beginning of the e-mail. After you sign in, click on "Settings" which is on the upper right hand of the screen next to your gmail address. The "General" tab for your settings will be displayed. The eighth option is "Snippets." Click on the radio button for the option "No snippets - Show subject only." Then click on "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page. Now only the subject line of the e-mail will show in your inbox.</p>
<p>The only email acceptance that I've received didn't have any hints as to what the decision was--even in the email itself. The subject was "Syracuse University Admission Notification," and this was all it said:</p>
<p>"Dear kat41911,</p>
<p>The Admissions Committee has reached a decision on your application to Syracuse University under the Regular Decision plan. The link below will take you to an electronic copy of the notification letter you will receive by mail."</p>
<p>Luckily I had already gotten a snail mail acceptance letter, so I knew it was good news, but the email sounds kind of scary if you don't know whether you got in or not...</p>
<p>"^ I think w/e-mail, the subject line will have something ambiguous like "Your ______ Decision." I can't imagine a school putting any variation of "REJECTED" as the very first thing you see, haha.</p>
<p>However, I use Gmail, which gives me a 5-word-ish preview of the message in the inbox before it's even opened. Yikes! :/"</p>
<p>Stanford does that.. (I was TOTALLY rejected) but The first couple lines were my address so it didn't give it away</p>
<p>2blue-Thank you so much for telling us that gmail trick! I was so afraid that one day I'd just open my email and see "In regard to your Stanford application, we regret to inform you that..." or something of the sort. >.<</p>
<p>my heart beat speeds up and i open it as fast as i can. haha i cut my finger on the envelope of my va tech acceptance letter</p>
<p>Same as afro-ninj4. When I got my Cornell likely letter, I accidentally cut it in half with a letter opener because I was so eager (and I was 99% sure what it was already).</p>
<p>Funny email story: when I got my EA response from Stanford, I read it on my blackberry. On the blackberry, it displayed the email with "SCEA<em>Deny</em>Letter" right at the top, the first thing on the screen before scrolling down. That would have disappointed me had I not been so sure I'd be rejected, or had I not been in the middle of watching Superbad.</p>
<p>Getting an e-mail as my first notification of acceptance was kind of anticlimactic. Talk about a buzz kill in taking out the excitement of when I got the actual letter in the mail.</p>
<p>With the other school I applied to, I would check online at least twice a day. It was obsessive. And when my app status finally changed to "Congratulations" one day, it totally caught me off guard.</p>
<p>I hope God has better things to do than concern Himself with your college acceptance.</p>
<p>I'm horrible at bracing myself for things. I started hyperventilating when I got the UChicago email saying admission decisions were online. I think I sweat half my body weight out of my palms as I navigated to the site, told my boyfriend to convince me not to push the button, and then cried hysterically for the next ten minutes.</p>
<p>The fat package in the mail got me pretty excited too, but since I already knew what had happened, it wasn't nearly as exciting. I wonder what it would have been like if I had found out that way...</p>