<p>Map Test:</p>
<p>Format: you get a blank map of each region of the world (for example, the Caribbean, South America, Southern Africa, Europe, etc.) with numbers and letters on it corresponding to the questions. The questions require to know which country is which, conflicts, disputes, settlements, colonial powers, etc. For example it could be something like “Country A is…Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, or Zimbabwe.” Or something like “Country A had a border dispute with country B that was settled thru…the Int’l. Court of Justice.”</p>
<p>It only covers countries you probably don’t know much about, for instance you don’t go over Canada, the US, or Western Europe at all. The regions are Eastern Europe, Southern Africa, North Africa/Middle East, SW/Central Asia, East Asia, Australia and Oceania, Middle America, South America, and the Caribbean.</p>
- Location of every country on earth, even Pacific Island nations (not as hard as it sounds)
- Territories, overseas departments, free associations, colonies, etc. and who controls them
- Former sovereigns of countries in the Americas since 1800 and the rest of the world since 1900 (so like who had which colonies in the Caribbean, Africa, etc)
- You kinda need dates to know dates of independence, but I would know general time frames. For example you can say, most of northwest Africa was independent from France in 1960, save Ghana and a few exceptions. So if you know that, and general patterns, it is much easier.
- Location, parties, and outcome of every war, conflict, and border dispute past and present. This is probably trickiest.</p>
<p>Am I forgetting anything?</p>
<p>Other: Seriously, some of it is random stuff that he mentioned in class. It sucks because it’s kinda impossible to take great notes the way lecture is (very fast, crams a lot in, doesn’t explain terms or spell ANYTHING for you, no outlines or notes given). There were little random things on the test I sort of remembered, like religion of a place or a rebel group that lives somewhere, but it turned out ok. I ended up with an 80 and passing this year was a 63. I also attended every lecture, so I’m sure that helped.</p>
<p>The whole point of this class is, understand the patterns of what happened when instead of memorizing lists of crap because you can’t possibly do it. If you know general stuff about the world you can figure things out a lot of times. You come out of it thinking you failed but you didn’t.</p>