Optional essay- paragraph?

<p>How does that make sense? I have a really nice supplemental essay on an experience I had, but it’s like 500 wds. Would that be ok to put in or should I just not bother? Thanks!</p>

<p>I didn’t send anything. I think this is for explaining things like low scores/grades in relation to illnesses, etc.</p>

<p>in terms of essays the common app and the academic ones should be enough</p>

<p>to be honest, the “optional” essay is never really optional. </p>

<p>In technical terms, it’s not required, but think about it. If you’re really trying to sell yourself to Brown, then consider that they will be reviewing thousands of applications just like yours and that if you can boast something completely unique or out of the ordinary that there’s really no place for on the application, that “optional” paragraph is the place to do it.</p>

<p>right, but they only allowed a paragraph–not a whole essay (unlike harvard’s, for which I actually did attach another essay). that’s what led me to think it was only for explanations, since they said that it was for things that are important to your candidacy or something along those lines.</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, nutterbutter, what did you attach for the optional essay? I’m just asking because I couldn’t think of anything appropriate for that section and could be limited to a paragraph.</p>

<p>The Brown optional space is truly optional. They don’t want anything superfluous. It’s something out of necessity.</p>

<p>So I’m going to have to disagree with nutterbutter. The more concise and to the point the app, the better. A college rep even said that it’s usually best if admissions can read through your app quickly.</p>

<p>My paragraph talked about how well-traveled I am at such a young age and how that gives me a more global perspective. I didn’t think it was superfluous but who can tell at this point.</p>

<p>My optional paragraph was probably too long. I talked about a model symposium that I helped organize for my Humanities class (after having read Plato’s Symposium). We decided to invite teachers from various disciplines to have a discussion about beauty. It ended up being about 400 words. Oh well.</p>