Options if denied Nursing admission

<p>My daughter applied to the FSU Freshman nursing program and was denied. She is not sure what to do as she wants to go to FSU but it is our understanding that they only accept students as Freshmens. What are her other options? She is really determined to be a Nurse.</p>

<p>There are many health fields other than nursing. Some of those others may end up being better for an individual.</p>

<p>There are some nursing programs that promote transfers into them in the 3rd year, after you have completed standard science prerequisites at your first college. One example is Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.</p>

<p>nursing admissions are competative. The thought is one should apply early and often . castin a wide net. Just because she was denied there doesnt mean she will be denied in other places.</p>

<p>Which does she want most: To attend FSU or become a nurse?</p>

<p>There are many nursing programs out there. She could also pursue an education as a Paramedic… Something to think about…</p>

<p>Has she applied to other schools? She could go to a non direct-entry nursing program in Florida (there are lots) and apply for it in her sophomore year. She would take her prerequisites at FSU, or another school, or a community college, and apply for the nursing program in her sophomore year. If she has any AP credits and takes classes over the summer, she could even apply a semester early to a school that accepts students in the Winter as well as the Fall. </p>

<p>Most of these programs choose their students by how high their GPA is and getting a good grade in anatomy is important. </p>

<p>She could still go to FSU for the first two years, and just be sure to take the classes needed by whichever nursing program she will transfer to.</p>

<p>OP, if she really wants nursing and FSU, she can always take the nursing prereqs at a state/community college and earn an A.A. degree first (usually 2 years/60 hours). The gen. ed courses are identical at a CC and class sizes usually cap at 30 compared to 300 person lecture halls found in the gen ed courses at university. </p>

<p>The nursing prereq core is usually pretty standard: anatomy/physiology I/II, microbiology, general biology, chemistry, nutrition, and some common gen. ed coursework (math, English, psych). Of course there will be small variances between schools. </p>

<p>According to their policies, it seems common for Florida universities to not accept transfers unless the A.A. has been awarded.</p>

<p>Her science gpa is probably going to be the biggest factor in getting admission to the nursing program (usually limited access- this is because we do not actually have a nursing shortage in this country, as professors will atest to), so make sure she is aware of that in going into her college science courses.
If she gets solid science grades (mostly As, a couple Bs at most) she shouldn’t have much to worry about in getting accepted to the limited access programs.</p>

<p>Here is the FSU nursing program map: <a href=“http://www.academic-guide.fsu.edu/Maps/Mapnursing.html[/url]”>http://www.academic-guide.fsu.edu/Maps/Mapnursing.html&lt;/a&gt;
It is important to know that she must complete all the ‘milestone’ courses on the right side up to the term in which she intends to apply in order to be considered for transfer. This is usually up to/including term 3, but it is best to ask.</p>