Oregon State Admit did not get WUE. Do they ever reconsider?

DD was admitted last month to Oregon State but did not get the WUE :(.
Background is that she has learning disabilities and has always slightly struggled. That compiled with some family problems and her sophomore year and first half of Junior year, her grades went down. She knew she needed to make up for it and did very well second semester Junior year, earning close to a 4.0. Sadly, they only ended up giving pass / fail so her 3.4 gpa ends up being her final gpa. Uhg. Senior year and she pulled a 4.0. I know you can appeal for admission school but has anyone ever appeal the WUE rejection or scholarships? We can not swing the cost without it.

2021’s are the first class of OSU students to have access to WUE so there is no way to know right now. Encourage your student to talk to admissions. Have you considered dual enrollment with LBCC and OSU for the first year or two to keep costs down?

LBCC has a Corvallis campus as well as an Albany campus. Buses run between the campus locations all day long on the hour and non-stop. Your student could get general ed credits out of the way at LBCC (taking 8 credits a term) and then taking 6-8 credits a term at OSU. This would save on your tuition costs. Additionally, another huge savings is being able to live off of the OSU campus due to the dual enrollment. This could save you $6-8k a year in housings costs.

Our middle daughter applied to UW, several years ago, and had asked about WUE. She was admitted-strong GPA and EC’s. When she called to enquire about why she hadn’t received WUE consideration, they mentioned that they had a limited number of WUE spaces for California applicants.
Our daughter’s guidance counselor said that they “liked” Californians funding their schools. We told her that she had already been admitted to several privates as an OOS recruited athlete, so we told her to wait.
Daughter was later admitted to her UC’s and, currently, will be graduating from her Med school program in a few months. She’s received a good in-state education.

Thanks. She wants the full dorm experience though.

FYI we are in the same boat. My OOS daughter was accepted but not with a WUE. They offered her a provost instead which is much less. This weekend she is trying to spend time on the OSU scholarship possibilities and will try to email the admissions counselor to see what she recommends. If you find out anything, please post, I’ll do the same!

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FYI they said less than 10% of possible students get offered the WUE and that some majors offer it and others don’t. She didn’t tell me which ones do!

We haven’t rejected yet, but Oregon State just moved way down the list. My daughter liked it, but for the price am trying to steer her interest elsewhere. We will see what happens by May 1st. She has a few colleges who haven’t responded yet so no clue! At this point she is between Purdue and Colorado State.

Thanks for this info.

My DD received the provost back in Dec but two days ago received a WUE scholarship offer in the mail. There’s no sign of the initial offer in the portal. Her schoolmate also received it at the same time and we are NorCal. Maybe as kids reject offers, the scholarships get reissued. Hope your DD also received an offer in the past few days.


Was excited to get home from a school tour last night to a letter which we did but it was still the Prevost. (cue sad music). May I ask your DD’s gpa? Thanks.

She has a 3.97 UW, I think, with the pass/fail last spring. Her schoolmate’s is a little lower but they both have pretty rigorous course loads.

Well, that is a pretty good GPA. She deserves it.

Has anyone found a good video review of the dorms or have information on the pros and cons of the different housing options. My D18 is OOS engineering, but doesn’t’ have any idea which dorm she would prefer. Thanks

From Nor Cal here too. My daughter has been accepted to the Engineering department for fall 21, Comp Sci. There is a quad of buildings for the Engineering students, Living Learning
I previewed on youtube from current students the lay out of rooms. The dorms look dated but the kid on the video didn’t mind.
We toured the campus over spring break. The campus was just LOVELY. It’s so clean. We live in the SF East Bay and were amazed at how clean the whole town of Corvallis is. We couldn’t get over the number of trees.


My daughter applied early action for environmental science and got accepted in December (fortunately with WUE). We did hear that they only give the WUE to about 10% of accepted applicants so we are very grateful. (Her weighted GPA is about a 4.06).

It seems like a great school for her major (and a really lovely place to attend college from all I’ve read) so we are trying to figure out when to tour it ! It’s nice to read the comments above

After we toured, Oregon State went WAY up on my daughter’s list! I definitely recommend doing a department tour as well as the general tour.

To my kid, the school offered all the pluses of a big Pac-12 research university, while still feeling supportive and easy to navigate like a smaller school. Students seemed friendly, outdoorsy, and less stressed than at other schools she visited.

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Hey there,

I’m in the same situation right now where I’ve been admitted by OSU and would like to attend, but cannot go if I don’t have WUE. Was your daughter ever to become eligible for WUE so she could attend Oregon State?
