<p>hey all–</p>
<p>i am a freshman and i will take organic chemistry next year. how can i prepare over the summer?</p>
<li><p>if i take community college courses ahead, will that automatically transfer to college, or can i “hide” that i took it?</p></li>
<li><p>is there like a kaplan or princeton “prep” course that is just a course on organic?</p></li>
<p>1.) I don't know about your college, but it would show up when you applied to med school.</p>
<p>2.) Yes.</p>
<p>oh which prep course would focus just on organic? both? if so which do you recommend?</p>
<p>thanks for the fast reply</p>
<p>No idea. Check with them independently. I'm not even sure PR offers such a course (Kaplan does).</p>
<p>so one can't hide the grade that he got at a community college? So I'm guessing that there is a rule that one must report all courses taken during undergraduate years when applying? How would the schools find out?</p>
<p>1.) That's right.</p>
<p>2.) If somebody tried to lie to AMCAS and get away with it, I suppose we could find out what their enforcement mechanisms are.</p>
<p>Kaplan has it's Organic Chemistry Edge book and I think they may have an online course associated with it or a Qbank or something else besides the book.</p>
<p>Prep for orgo? Why? Just take the course, jeez.</p>
<p>uvajoe....i was soo going to write that but I thought it was going to be mean. Anyways, just take the course like every other normal human being.</p>
<p>if you dont send in the transcript from the commuinty college, ur university will never know whether u took the course or not.</p>
<p>Okay, look.</p>
<p>Whether your college knows anything or not is entirely irrelevant. The question is, what do medical schools see? Medical schools explicitly ask for any college-level coursework, including community college things done during high school.</p>
<p>If you were to hide it from them, that would be considered fraud and is punishable not only by academic measures - revoking any admissions might have - but, potentially, criminally, since they ask you to verify that your record is complete.</p>
<p>I should mention that you would probably not actually be prosecuted. Still, they explicitly ask for ALL your grades and ask for verification.</p>
<p>buy book by Peter Sykes (i really liked the red one, but it is not for complete beginners) and an undergraduate organic chem textbook to supply the basics (i recommend Vollhardt, avoid Ege) and start reading</p>
<p>bluedevilmike is right in that med schools want to see all of their prerequisite classes on your transcript with a grade - otherwise they will not process your application as if you never took the class</p>