Organization Skillz

<p>Hello. I am a junior that is starting his hardest semester of his life. I have a full schedule with a class at the university, along with clubs and sports daily. Looking back at last semester, it was truly a struggle. I wasn't able to sleep much because I was so unorganized and became sick quite frequently so it just kept getting worse. Here is where I would realy love some advice, my question is plain and simple: how do I get organized? I honestly have stuff I should be doing ALL the time, so I'm stressed because i don't know what to do, or I missed a meeting and the list goes on and on. Please let me know if you have any advice. Thank you all so much! :)</p>

<p>Make to-do lists so you don’t forget what you have to do. Maybe you could purchase a planner and fill in what you have at what time so you forget less! If I have something important to remember, I always write it on a post-it note and that usually helps me remember. You could also set reminders on your phone to alert you.</p>

<p>I have a planner and I use it all the time, but I still feel like I will have pockets and pockets of time that I should be using to do stuff, but I never do. Any advice on how to take advantage of that time?</p>