Organizing everything

<p>How do you guys organize everything? I am in the final stages of finalizing my list and I suppose I need to start on my essays and get recommendations in order. I also need to figure out how all these common app suppliments work, get scores sent, take SAT2's in november, fill out this national achievement form, review the apps for the canadian schools, etc etc...I almost feel bad because my list has 10-12 schools on it and that seems like a lot of recs for a teacher to write :(</p>

<p>You are feeling sorry about a 12 school list? Get over it.....many folks have more than that......the teachers at good schools have their own system and a nice treat for them at the end is a good idea.</p>

<p>This is true...but most of the kids in my class are applying to only one or two schools (one example - a 4.0 female who's #1 is an instate public engi school). I am sure I won't have any problems however.</p>

<p>One or two? I came out of a competitive prep school and almost nobody applied to only one or two. This is quite interesting to to me. How do they determine that applying say to one IVY is a viable plan??</p>

<p>Coming from a graduate of a not-so-competitive Midwestern public high school -- </p>

<p>Most people in my class applied to one or two schools, both of which would have been in-state publics to which they were almost guaranteed admission. The top kids applied to one or two in-state publics as well as a favorite reach. One lone kid applied to 12 schools, and we all thought that was just shocking and wasteful. :) </p>

<p>Personally, I applied to three: Ohio State, Harvard, and MIT. It worked out well for me, but looking back I realize that I was sinfully lucky.</p>

<p>For Spetsnaz Op: People have suggested to me for grad school applications that tacking a manila folder to the wall for each school to which you're applying (perhaps with a checklist on the front of each folder) is a useful way to keep track of what you've done and what you still need to do.</p>

<p>I came outta NE boarding/prep......nobody would have applied to one/two unless you are talking ED......Nobody. You were lucky. Our faculty was used to writing recs for kids who applied to many was part of the expectation. These stories of two school amaze me. I have to remind myself you are not talking ED. My school personally phoned each ED and plugged and chugged all new letters for any EDs who were rolled/denied. It was a major campaign and if you were successful ED then don't call in until after the holiday because you obviously didn't need their time and attention.</p>