<p>Hi guys!</p>
<p>I just spoke with my advisor a few days ago about my schedule as a premed student in Wharton. What he told me kind of surprised me. He said that because of the rigor of taking all the high finance classes at Wharton in combination with the upper level bio courses in the CAS of Penn, it is highly advised that I take orgo this summer. Well, I am doing research back home at my local med center this summer, so I would have to take orgo at my local college (the University of Nebraska @ Omaha). While UNO is a wonderful school, I don't think most med schools would view UNO as a school that's on par with Penn. So, would it look terrible if I took at least orgo I at home this summer? </p>
<p>Was that your pre-med advisor or your regular academic advisor?</p>
<p>From what I heard this option is NOT advisable.
Cannot comment from personal experience since D. has NOT taken single class in a summer, except for traveling abroad and having credit for it after completing few projects. She is graduating in May and going to Med. School next year.</p>
<p>Gottcha, thx MiamiDAP </p>
<p>Curmudgeon, he is currently just my normal advisor. However, he was a premed advisor at one time.</p>
<p>Hmmm. I see nothing “normal” about where yoiu are. lol. Congratulations. </p>
<p>You are not in a conventional program, nor are you at a conventional school. You are at an elite school in an elite program with fantastic opportunities and resources far beyond the norm. I’d have to think that the mentoring available through LSM would give you a great roadmap. But check out that advice thoroughly as it goes aganist the grain. If that’s the way LSM success stories are written, well, that’s why you are there. But check it out. JMO. </p>
<p>BTW, are you by chance a Vagelos Scholar, too? </p>
<p>(Edit: 5 years ago I tried hard to get my kid to apply but…didn’t happen.)</p>
<p>Aw, thx curmudgeon. I really like LSM. I am not a Vagelos MLS scholar, though. Kids in that program are absolutely brilliant (and their work load reflects that, if you know what I mean =D ).</p>
<p>Robbie…good luck with med studies…
My D is at Ivy, 14, and they recommend taking org chem at ivy league level in summer if taking it in summer. But the cost, on top of the regular college year is pretty costly. D wants to do it since she plans to be abroad, maybe double major, etc. (Not to take a lighter load, etc.). I wanted her to take it at local college (since the cost of living in these cities, like Boston). But the state school is much lower ranked. I just don’t see how 1 class would hurt that much (although it is a requirement for med school).</p>
<p>I am only a parent just starting to read up on the whole med school process…(she was looking at Engineering, possibly Env. Science…now switching or adding premed. I am just reading up on the subject. I don’t think there is much funding for that type of summer program (I am single parent, she is endowed scholar, etc. </p>
<p>Good luck…let me know if you find out more or find any reasonable summer programs.</p>