<p>I'm getting ready to choose orientation dates for CBS, and im wondering...is there any disadvantage to choosing the late date (august 31st - september 1st) vs the early june/july dates? I may not be able to get to MN before august, and thats my problem.</p>
<p>If you’re going to attend CBS, you have to do a mandatory summer course/retreat (about three/four days) called “Nature of Life” up at Lake Itasca. To do that, you need to have already gone through orientation.</p>
<p>There is an orientation that backs right up to one of the NoL things, if that helps. I’m pretty far away (though not international), so that’s the one I’m going to – so that I only have to fly up there once.</p>
<p>What happens if you can’t do NOL? </p>
<p>And also you get to pick classes at orientation, so you might get spots in some of the better timed classes. Although sadly, everyone else (including the PSEO students) will have already registered for their classes, so we’ll get the worse times anyway.</p>
<p>yeah my first assumption was that classes would fill up and my choices would be limited.
what else is worse for later orientation dates?</p>
<p>silver you said that we had to do NoL before orientation…but there’s an orientation date that comes after the last date of NoL…?</p>
<p>And I also have the same question as sugar sweet, what happens if you can’t do NoL? I’m living internationally right now and no way will I be able/allowed to leave alone before my family leaves, and we’re planning on leaving in august.</p>
<p>Based on what I’ve read on the CBS website, NoL is mandatory – you get credits for it, which is why you have to do orientation first. I guess I would try calling the U and seeing if you can somehow work out something where you don’t have to take it, or you take it next year, or something like that.</p>
<p>Does anyone if orientation dates fill up? For instance, if I wait a while until I confirm my enrollment and set up orientation, will I be forced to go to a later one? I surely hope not. I am visiting my two top schools (U of M and Northwestern) the next two weekends. I also would like an earlier orientation date so that I get the classes that I want. Also, one of my friends is taking a placement test soon for the U of M. Will I still be able to take them if I don’t confirm until later.</p>
<p>I certainly hope that I am not being punished for not deciding early enough, but honestly I did not think that I would have to worry about choosing between UMN and NU.</p>
<p>Thanks for any possible information.</p>
<p>^im also wondering the same thing…and, is it possible for classes to become full if you go to a late orientation date?</p>
<p>This is just a guess, but I’d imagine that orientation dates do fill up. However, the orientation date that you have your heart set on probably is different from the one I want, or the one someone else wants, etc. As long as you make your decision by May 1st, you should probably be able to register for your first or second choice. Registration begins on April 3rd, which you probably already know. But that’s just a guess. I mean, they obviously have thousands of people coming and only so much space to put them in, so it does have to be broken up into groups of a certain size.</p>
<p>And like sugar_sweet said, I think classes probably do fill up, but the classes that you NEED to take – like a freshman level chem class, for example – will have enough classes that you’ll get into one almost definitely, no matter what date you go. You might not get the time you want, though. Now, if you have your heart set on some obscure class of which there’s only one, you might be screwed over going to a later date. But for the big, I-need-these-now-to-graduate-in-my-major-in-four-years classes, you should probably be fine. You just might have to get up earlier than you’d like.</p>
<p>For anyone who can’t do Nature of Life over the summer, I just registered and it looks like there’s a make-up date in September. It gives you a phone number to call to register for that.</p>