<p>I was just wondering what advantages there would be to pursuing an Operations Research and Management Science (ORMS) degree over an Economics degree, particularly when you're vying for a job as a consultant or analyst right out of Cal. </p>
<p>Is Management Science even taken seriously as a B.A. or is it like pre-law and not considered until it's on a graduate school degree?</p>
<p>I see, would you guys say then that given how ORMS is limited to a group of ~25 students, it would stand out in the eyes of an interviewer for a consulting firm?</p>
<p>Actually, wouldn’t it stand out for any kind of internship/post-grad program/grad school application more so than a Berkeley Econ degree?</p>
<p>I assume ORMS is not that special given that its curriculum is less strict than IEOR, which itself is not particularly prestigious among engineering majors.</p>