OSU Foreign language requirement

In high school I took two years for Spanish
Sp 1 semester 1 B
Sp 1 semester 2 B
Sp 2 semester 1 C +
Sp 2 semester 2 D +

I am currently going into my first year at Linn Benton and was wondering if I would have to take a term of foreign language to transfer or if Oregon state would make an Exception?

You’re likely to have to retake two semesters since your Spanish 2 grades aren’t satisfactory. The requirement is that you must take two semesters of one single foreign language at your college and pass with at leat a C+ . You can take either college Spanish 1+2 again (that sequence reviews high school Spanish 1+2 in one semester then adds one more level) or take a different world language sequence.

@ MyOS1634 On on the transfer admissions it only says c- or higher

Well, you got a D second semester s that doesn’t count. You have to take the full sequence.