Other Scholarships- University of Alabama

I understand that UA offers merit based scholarships for specific GPA & SAT scores; however, do they offer any other scholarships for out of state students that aren’t listed on the website/ dont require the 3.5 GPA & 1250 SAT requirement? And if so, can you apply for those once admitted?

They do but most of the big ones are the published merit based scholarships. I recall that my D got an email after acceptance inviting her to apply for additional scholarships. Also engineering students seem to be eligible for additional scholarship.

for students starting in Fall 2018, $2,500 per year is available for students in the College of Engineering. There were some links to other scholarships, but I don’t recall them being available for oos students, but they were all listed on the website.

Don’t wait until admittance!
Fill out the scholarship app after you apply for admissions.
You might have to wait a day or two to get access…but do it as soon as you can

Edit…have you filled out scholarship app?

I think they’re mostly for children of alumni.


yes ma"am!