Other ways of being medically DQd?

<p>I was medically disqualified by DoDMERB for history of mood disorder, at leats thats what they said in the letter. I didnt get a waiver because there was someone more competitive than me.</p>

<p>Is that the only reason i am medically disqualified under or are the possibly others and DoDMERB only listed the first?</p>

<p>Someone can correct me on this, but I think there may be more ways that you can be dq'd. When I called DODMERB earlier this year, they said that with remedials, they listed all that they thought they needed. However, when they came to an item that was disqualifying, they stopped in their search because there was "no use" in going any further at this time. I believe I was told that the successful rebuttal of a medically disqualifying condition is always good news, but that there could be other disqualifying conditions that they didn't list at that time.</p>

<p>I was told to answer what was being asked for at the time, regardless what else I might suspect. However, I do think there might be other opinions out there on that. One doctor might prefer to handle it differently than another. The best piece of advice I have is: keep copies of everything! (Heard that one before?) Your own copies are much easier to access than going out to get them all again!</p>